Guidance from Inter-Agency Standing Committee

The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) brings together international organizations working to provide humanitarian assistance to people in need as a result of natural disasters, conflict-related emergencies, global food crises and pandemics. By coordinating activities, members improve overall service delivery, share resources, pool analysis and disseminate best practices. Participants use the forum to agree on system-wide policies to achieve a better overall response, while respecting organizations’ individual mandates. 

The policies, which have been endorsed by the IASC Working Group or IASC Principals take the shape of IASC guidelines, tools and documents and are used by humanitarian actors in field or policy work. Given the inclusive membership of the IASC, these products carry a very broad consensus within the humanitarian community and guide the work of many UN and Non-UN humanitarian partners in the areas such as Cluster Approach, Human Rights Protection and Protection in Natural Disasters, Internal Displacement, Gender-Based Violence, Information Management, Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support, Humanitarian Coordination, etc. 

You can find more information about the IASC Guidelines on the IASC website.

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