D-409/2015a Household Pour Flush Toilet (SaTo Pan) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2016)

Total Files2
Size14.60 MB
Create DateMarch 15, 2017
Last UpdatedMarch 15, 2017

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Publisher: UNHCR
Year: 2016
This document contains materials to help UNHCR and WASH actors build post pour flush household toilet and bathing units using the plastic SaTo Pan pour flush pan. The package includes:
- Step by Step Construction Drawings
- 2D Technical Drawings
- 3D Google SketchUp Model
- Bills of Quantity
- Material and Workmanship Specifications
- Design Calculations
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D409-2016a SaTo Pan Pour Flush Household Toilet (UNHCR, 2016) - PDF Download 
D409-2016a SaTo Pan Pour Flush Household Toilet (UNHCR, 2016) - SKP Download