The Strategy outlines approaches of the Cluster partners to the assistance to the conflict affected population in Ukraine: Internally Displaced persons, non-displaced population with damaged dwelling, host communities, returnees and commuters.
Although Ukraine is a middle income country, the capacity of the government, further limited by economic crisis, to fully provide services in...
The Ukraine Shelter/NFI Cluster Annual report aims to analyze 2016 trends, achievements, and response to the crisis related Shelter and NFI needs. After 2 years of response, the report seeks to provide insight into where we stand in terms of achievements by providing a glimpse and comparison of several years of activities. While the report is limited to look at outcome and impact in terms of...
Executive summaryIn November 2013, the Government of Ukraine (GoU) decided to abandon an agreement that would strengthen its ties with the EU, sparking large-scale protests. In March 2014, a conflict erupted with Russia’s unilateral annexation of Crimea, leading to a first wave of population displacement. A second wave of displacement followed shortly after, as a consequence of separatist...
The goal of the Ukraine Shelter/NFI (non-food item) Cluster is to provide people affected by the humanitarian emergency with the means to live in safe, dignified and appropriate shelter.
The Ukraine Shelter/NFI Cluster Team works with everyone who is involved in providing shelter and basic household items. These Shelter/NFI Cluster partners include the government, UN agencies,...