- Pakistan: Dengue Outbreak - Sep 2017
- Pakistan: Floods and Heavy Snowfalls - Jan 2017
- Pakistan: Floods and Landslides - Jun 2016
- Pakistan: Floods and Landslides - Mar 2016
- Afghanistan/Pakistan: Earthquake - Oct 2015
- Pakistan: Floods - Apr 2015
- Pakistan: Floods - Sep 2014
- Pakistan: Drought - 2014-2017
- Pakistan: Polio Outbreak - 2014-2017
- Pakistan: Dengue Outbreak - Oct 2013
Maps & Infographics
Most read (last 30 days)
- Pakistan: Polio Update - May 2018
- The Impact of Explosive Violence on Students and Education in Kashmir
- Pakistan’s Climate Resilience Receives Boost with World Bank Support for Water, Environment and Cities
- First ever national food security policy launched
- Farmers unable to cope with shocks induced by climate change
During the week of Eid, overall levels of political violence decreased by 45% in South and Southeast Asia. The decrease in political violence was caused by a significant drop in reported events from Afghanistan (minus 52%) and Pakistan (minus 74%) – two high activity countries which also have a majority Muslim population – while violence levels remained static in India, including the majority Muslim state of Jammu & Kashmir.
What is FFA?
The most food-insecure people often live in fragile and degraded landscapes and areas prone to recurrent natural shocks and other risks.
Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) is one of WFP’s flagship initiatives aimed at addressing the most food-insecure people’s immediate food needs with cash, voucher or food transfers while also helping improve their long-term food security and resilience.
This monthly digest comprises threats and violence as well as protests and other events affecting the delivery of and access to healthcare. It is prepared by Insecurity Insight from information available in open sources. All decisions made, on the basis of, or with consideration to, such information remains the responsibility of their respective organisations.
Threats and violence affecting emergency care
Middle-East and North Africa
Occupied Palestinian Territories
Key updates, May 2018
Due to the upcoming elections, 5 health facilities are used as polling centres, which will negatively affect the provision of services.
In May, 10 attacks on health care were reported. These included closure of 6 health facilities, 3 incidents of looting of equipment and supplies, one health worker killed and one more detained by AGEs.
Health Cluster partners are responding to a drought that affects the northern region. Up to 2.2 million people may be affected by food insecurity.
53 undocumented Afghans returned from Pakistan
16,915 undocumented Afghans returned from Iran
15,379 total returns from Pakistan since 01 Jan 2018
337,194 total returns from Iran since 01 Jan 2018
72% of returnees from Pakistan (38 individuals) assisted
1.2% of returnees from Iran (207 individuals) assisted
98 Unaccompanied Migrant Children (UMC) from Iran assisted
16 Medical Cases (MC) from Iran assisted
Situation Overview
• In May 2018, the prices of wheat and wheat flour decreased by 3.8% and 3.4%, respectively, over April 2018; the price of rice Irri-6 increased by 1.5%, while the price of rice Basmati increased by 0.01% in May 2018 when compared to the previous month;
• Headline inflation based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased in May 2018 by 0.51% over April 2018 and increased by 4.18% over May 2017;

This year we could unlock education’s unique power to help refugees – but only if we know exactly how we are going to do it and where the money is going to come from. That’s why, for World Refugee Day, Save the Children has released a new report – a practical global plan to get every refugee child into school.

The recent wave of returnees and the large number of internally displaced people (IDPs) is posing a further challenge on already stretched health care facilities and health care professionals in Afghanistan.
On World Refugee Day 2018, WHO representative in Afghanistan Dr Richard Peeperkorn emphasized the importance of providing effective healthcare to the population on the move.
Kabul, 20 June
Key issues in the past week:
Since January, more than 130,000 people have been displaced by conflict across the country.
36 patients with Crimean–Congo Haemorrhagic Fever have been hospitalised in Hirat City.
In Nuristan, armed men set fire to a hospital and detained medical staff for one night.
In Daychopan, Zabul, all three health facilities remained closed for the third week in a row.
Countrywide conflict displacement
Global Humanitarian Overview 2018: six months on
As of 15 June 2018, 21 Humanitarian Response Plans (HRP) and the Syria Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan (3RP) require US$25.39 billion to assist 96.2 million highly vulnerable people.
Geneva – IOM, the UN Migration Agency, reports that 40,073 migrants and refugees entered Europe by sea through the first 24 weeks of 2018.
That total compares to 80,683 at this time last year, and over 215,000 at this time in 2016.

IFRC launches report on labour migration and trafficking
Bangkok / Kuala Lumpur, 19 June 2018 – A major new report on labour migration and trafficking will be launched in Bangkok tomorrow.
On 18 June 2018, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) released its 2017 Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the European Union. In 2017, there were 728,470 applications for international protection in the EU. This figure represents a decrease of 44% compared to 2016, when there were almost 1.3 million applications, while provisional data for early 2018 (January - April) shows that application levels have stabilised at an average of less than 50,000 per month.
By Chayanit Itthipongmaetee, Staff Reporter
BANGKOK — A tiny room is bedroom, living room, kitchen and storage combined. At the end of a stained bedsheet, an old CRT television lies on the floor. Above worn wooden cabinets are three large suitcases piled up to the ceiling. Water bottles, utensils and kitchenware are stacked on a low, plastic table.
By Hafeezullah Sherani | Updated June 17, 2018
Three young brothers were killed and their father and another brother injured during a landsliding incident in Balochistan's Zhob district on Sunday, DawnNewsTV reported.
The incident happened at a hilly tourist spot Silyazzai, where the ill-fated family of Rahmatullah Safi had come to enjoy Eid holidays.