Operation: Indonesia
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Key Figures
2017 year-end figures | |
2,970 | people underwent a first-instance interview for refugee status determination |
760 | refugees departed for resettlement |
320 | people with specific needs received cash assistance |
10 | awareness campaigns on the response and prevention of SGBV were conducted |
2018 planning figures | |
670 | Resettlement Registration Forms will be submitted |
260 | people of concern will receive cash grants |
2 | public awareness campaigns will be conducted |
0 | children will be detained |
People of Concern
Increase in
2016 | 14,405 |
2015 | 13,548 |
2014 | 11,186 |

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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
Operational context
UNHCR worked in close collaboration with the Government of Indonesia to advance a protection-sensitive approach in the implementation of the Presidential Regulation on the Handling Refugees, which came to force at the beginning of 2017. The Government bodies which were charged with new responsibilities under the Regulation, were challenged to agree on a clear path forward, which was exacerbated by conflicting views on obligations under the national law and international protection.UNHCR continued to expand the protection space for people of concern by conducting individual registration, issuing documentation, and identifying refugees in need of resettlement. Some 3,200 refugees and asylum-seekers, including 860 children, remained in detention; a decrease of some 980 people compared to the beginning of the year.
Population trends
By the end of 2017, the total population of concern in Indonesia stood at some 13,800 people from 49 different countries of origin, including 9,800 refugees and 4,000 asylum-seekers.Some 2,000 asylum-seekers were registered during the year, reflecting a 30 percent decrease compared to 2016. The largest group registered continued to originate from Afghanistan.
Key achievements
UNHCR issued identify cards to more than 5,600 people, including some 1,760 refugees and 20 asylum-seekers who received the new regionally harmonized identity cards.Unmet needs
Many refugees and asylum-seekers suffered from severe mental health issues but were not able to access proper treatment partly due to a lack of capacity in the national healthcare system.Lack of sufficient resources to expand assistance programmes triggered a rise in the number of homeless refugees and asylum-seekers in 2017. Many in need of assistance were compelled to report themselves to detention centers, where they were kept in difficult conditions, and where UNHCR faced challenges to address their specific needs.
Approximately 37 percent of the total population of concern remained unassisted by UNHCR and partners in meeting their basic needs, further aggravating their vulnerability.
Working environment
Indonesia will continue to receive new asylum-seekers as part of mixed migration movements. The Government is expected to implement a Presidential Regulation that will provide long-awaited legislative guidance on asylum issues, which should discontinue the detention of people of concern, and should call for the establishment of designated shelters. This latter aspect will require UNHCR to increase its field presence and put mechanisms in place for effective monitoring and protection interventions.Key priorities
In 2017, UNHCR’s operation in Indonesia will focus on:• Ensuring access to territory and asylum procedures, including registration, documentation, and refugee status determination;
• facilitating capacity building on asylum issues to expand protection space;
• addressing the needs of vulnerable individuals, particularly children and women;
• reducing protection risks, including from sexual and gender-based violence, to child protection, and from detention;
• addressing gaps in birth registration as a measure to prevent statelessness;
• facilitating comprehensive solutions through resettlement and voluntary return, as well as through advocacy for temporary stay measures, labor schemes, access to livelihoods, and local integration for those with close links to Indonesia.
Without sufficient funding UNHCR would face challenges in meeting the needs of the people of concern, particularly those of children and women who are most vulnerable to protection risks and exploitation.