
Refugees flee fresh fighting in Congo to Uganda

Congolese take to flimsy vessels and brave dangerous waters of Lake Albert to reach safety.

13 Feb 2018

Citizenship opens new world for stateless man from Georgia

After decades of frustration and broken dreams, Jirair has finally been recognized as a citizen of the country where he was born.

12 Feb 2018

Iraqi refugee musician finds a sympathetic ear in Brussels

Hussein Rassim missed the beloved instrument he left behind, until a crowdfunding appeal raised enough for a replacement.

8 Feb 2018

Brazilian NGO helps refugees get back on career ladder

A UNHCR partner organization helps steer refugees through the complex process of certifying their professional qualifications.

7 Feb 2018

French scholarship scheme gives hope to Syrian refugees

Young Syrians receive chance to study in France thanks to a pioneering assistance programme launched by a regional government and two universities.

7 Feb 2018

Surgery restores hearing and hope to young Syrian brothers

After seeing viral video of Syrian refugees Mohamed and Issam, Kuwaiti Red Crescent funds life-changing operations to allow them to hear for the first time.

1 Feb 2018

Learning language key to integration, say young refugees

Language tuition is a cornerstone of the Czech government's policy to integrate refugees.

30 Jan 2018

Registration drive brings indigenous families out of the shadows

A joint registration campaign by Costa Rica and Panama is helping thousands of Ngäbe-Buglé at risk of statelessness to gain access to health care and education.

29 Jan 2018

Cash-strapped camp hospitals struggle to save lives in Tanzania

Hospital in Nyarugusu refugee camp provides a lifeline not only for thousands of refugees, but also for Tanzanians who live nearby.

25 Jan 2018