
DHS surveys are administered by ICF International, through USAID Funding, and seek to collect and disseminate population and health data on developing countries

Developed by the World Bank, the IHSN catalogues census, survey or other micro-data, which is stored online and made available for research and other purposes

Also developed by the World Bank, the LSMS works to collect household living standards data, which is needed to inform policy decisions

Redatam: A database management tool developed by Cipol for the processing and analysis of population micro data

Online population calculators: For very basic calculations based on growth rate

Official United Nations demographic estimates and projections : The official United Nations demographic estimates and projections may be found at the United Nations Population Division

A great resource for demographic and social topics, standards and methods, statistical products and databases, in addition to listing demographic, social statistics, world population and housing census information

Offers a variety of demographic indicators and the ability to search by country and key indicator

Also referenced in the mapping section of this Toolkit, the World Gazetteer provides population statistics and related data, searchable by country or region

Additional resources that require GIS skills include: Gridded Population of the World and the Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project, LandSmay, the Night Time Lights dataset, the AfriPop / Asia Pop project

The Common Operational Datasets are those that have been agreed upon and are in use throughout the humanitarian community

The Population Estimation Service, developed by the CIESIN section of NASA, is a user-defined web-based tool for estimating populations

A tutorial on how to use the Population Estimation Service has been produced by Columbia University

MICS surveys provide data on women and children and are conducted by UNICEF

Please see the guidance notes for information management considerations.
As advancements in the field are made, tools, examples and links will be added here.