Graduation Approach

The approach was pioneered by BRAC in Bangladesh in 2002, and has been pilot tested and evaluated by CGAP and the Ford Foundation in eight countries. Over 15 country governments have integrated the Graduation Approach into their  social protection and poverty alleviation policies and programmes. 

Since 2013, our field teams and partners, with the support of Trickle Up, have implemented the Graduation Approach in six countries and positive outcomes have already been observed. In Costa Rica, refugees participating in the graduation program showed improved economic indicators – unemployment rates decreased from 36% to 4%, self-employment rates  more than doubled  from 24% to 59%, and as many as 79% of participating households reached a monthly income equal or greater to the national minimum wage upon graduation. In addition, 58% of participants thought their emotional wellbeing had improved.   

At the heart of the Graduation Approach is strong coaching that enables a personalized response to individual needs. By building on our existing case management infrastructure, we are able to  provide appropriate support to refugees at the right time, mitigating protection risks and ensuring continuity of their graduation process. 

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