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Lutheran World Federation (LWF)

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Lutheran World Federation (LWF)

The LWF Department for World Service is the internationally recognized humanitarian and development arm of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The Department for World Service is a member of ACT Alliance and provides humanitarian aid and assists in rehabilitation and development in almost 40 countries. World Service works with marginalized and disadvantaged communities in the areas of greatest vulnerability and endemic need.Drawing on a firm commitment to uphold the rights of the poor and oppressed, DWS works together with local and international partners to alleviate suffering, combat injustice and poverty, and lay the foundation for a life in dignity for all. It serves all people irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion, race or political conviction. The Vision of DWS is that people of the world will live in just societies in peace and dignity, united in diversity, and empowered to achieve their universal rights, to meet basic needs and quality of life. The World Service mission responds to and challenges the causes and consequences of human suffering and poverty.