Protection Mainstreaming

Protection mainstreaming is the process of incorporating protection principles and promoting meaningful access, safety and dignity in humanitarian aid. The following elements must be taken into account in all humanitarian activities:

1 – Prioritize safety &dignity, and avoid causing harm: Prevent and minimize as much as possible any unintended negative effects of your intervention which can increase people's vulnerability to both physical and psychosocial risks.

2 – Meaningful Access: Arrange for people’s access to assistance and services – in proportion to need and without any barriers (e.g. discrimination). Pay special attention to individuals and groups who may be particularly vulnerable or have difficulty accessing assistance and services.

3 – Accountability: Set-up appropriate mechanisms through which affected populations can measure the adequacy of interventions, and address concerns and complaints.

4 – Participation and empowerment: Support the development of self protection capacitiesand assist people to claim their rights, including – not exclusively – the rights to shelter, food, water and sanitation, health, and education.

To watch the video with subtitles in Arabic, French, and Spanish, please click on the respective links. 

Thanks to the generosity of the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO), the GPC’s Task Team on Protection Mainstreaming has developed a short and insightful video on the elements of protection mainstreaming that every humanitarian actor should know.

Protection Mainstreaming Toolbox

GPC Protection Mainstreaming Guidance & Tools


GPC Protection Mainstreaming Side Event

External Tools


Protection Mainstreaming e-learning

Key elements of protection mainstreaming (Available in English and Arabic)



Protection Mainstreaming App | New

The Protection Mainstreaming App is available for download through the Google Play and iTunes App Stores. The Protection Mainstreaming App is based on the Global Protection Cluster Guidance available online, and provides a solution to streamline Protection Mainstreaming guidance to your specific needs. 

The Protection Mainstreaming App is a companion to the Global Protection Cluster Protection Mainstreaming Trainings. It provides guidance on specific actions that can improve adherence to key principles of meaningful access, safety, dignity, participation, and accountability in humanitarian action.


To learn more click here





David Murphy
Protection Mainstreaming Task Team Co-Chair


Gergey Pasztor
International Rescue Committee
Protection Mainstreaming Task Team Co-Chair


Marie-Emilie Dozin
International Rescue Committee
Protection Coordinator


Useful links

Cash-Based Interventions Tools for IDP Protection

GPC Help Desk

The first point of contact for all Field Support requests and queries.


Protection Cluster
Coordination Toolbox