MPG Toolkit Framework

MPG Toolkit Framework

How this toolkit is structured

The assumption of this toolkit is that the emergency is happening or has just happened. Therefore important references to Preparedness are found at the end of the toolkit.

Each section is standalone and begins with a landing site that describes the main topic and links the reader to other related topics in the toolkit, e.g. a quick Market Situation Analysis done at the Needs Assessment stage in the first few days after an emergency is then followed up by a Multi-Sector Market Assessment a few days or weeks later.

The introduction to each section is followed by an Essential Checklist. The checklists are not exhaustive, but provide short and discrete guidance on essential steps to consider when deciding whether MPGs are an appropriate and feasible cash modality. Additionally, they offer guidance on designing and implementing harmonised MPGs.

The toolkit is also interspersed with examples of MPGs used in recent emergencies and some lessons learned to date (see boxes).

Red Flags (Red flag) highlight the potential protection benefits and risks of MPGs. Exclamation points (Exclamation mark) indicate short cuts that can be taken when time is of the essence, and more in-depth analysis can happen later when lives are not at stake.

This toolkit does not replicate what already exists but seeks to add value to existing guidance and tools. Therefore there is a Resources list at the end of each section. We strongly recommend visiting the CaLP website for more information.

While creating the toolkit, partner agencies developed detailed guidance on such topics as Multi-Sector Market Assessments, Protection Risks and Benefits Analysis, Inter-Agency Standard Operating Procedures, and Common Delivery Mechanisms. We’ve taken the bare minimum for the toolkit, but the detailed versions are referenced here and provided in the Annex; these are also found on the CaLP website, specifically on the MPG thematic page.

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Download Glossary PDF

Part 1. Situation and Response Analysis

Deciding if Multipurpose Cash Grants (MPGs) are an appropriate and feasible humanitarian response option.

Download whole Part 1

Part 2. MPG Transfer Design

Bringing together information on needs as defined in the Needs Assessment, Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB), Vulnerability and Gaps Analysis to inform transfer amount, frequency of distribution and other characteristics of transfer design.

Download Part 2

Part 3. Response Design and Plan

Once it has been determined that MPGs are an appropriate and feasible response option to meet multiple humanitarian needs, what are the essential elements of programme design?

Download whole Part 3

Part 4. Preparedness

What can be done in advance of an emergency to allow for fast and appropriate MPG design and implementation?

Download Part 4

Part 5. Coordination

What needs to be coordinated at an inter-agency and inter-sector level to maximise the benefits and effectiveness of MPGs, alongside complementary interventions?

Download Part 5