GPC Training Repository

The GPC’s Task Team on Learning (TTL) has developed the material as part of the Learning Program for Protection Cluster Coordination, which has been running in its current format since 2012. The training sessions included in this repository are used as part of a 5-day workshop for the Protection Cluster membership (including AORs, national authorities and civil society organizations as well as international members of the cluster and sub-clusters). The sessions can be used as stand-alone sessions or in combination, depending on the learning objectives, availability of time and the audience.

The sessions cover some of the basic protection knowledge as well as some soft skills. Each folder contains a facilitator’s guide, with detailed notes on how to organize the session including the necessary preparation time and material as well as the substance to cover. The folders also include PowerPoint presentations or other material that might be needed. Sessions are available in different languages (English, Arabic and French). Please contact one of the roving training officers of the TTL for questions, clarification and/or support:

GPC Roving Training Officers
Co-chairs of the Task Team on Learning & GPC Training Officer

Caterina Luciani

You will find a full range of tools, resources and other helpful documents relating to the work of the Task Team on Learning, at the following links. The materials are available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.

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The first point of contact for all Field Support requests and queries.


Protection Cluster
Coordination Toolbox