
GPC Coordinator message the IASC Protection Policy in Humanitarian Action

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Ajoutée le 1 nov. 2016

To promote a strategic approach, the Inter-Agency Standing Committee has adopted a Protection Policy in October 2016. In doing so, it seeks to reinforce complementary roles, mandates and expertise of all relevant actors. Specifically, the policy emphasizes an IASC commitment to prioritize protection and contribute to collective protection outcomes, including through the development of an HCT protection strategy to address the most critical and urgent risks and violations. It also underlines the need to implement this commitment in all aspects of humanitarian action and across the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. As such, the collective IASC roles and responsibilities in placing protection at the center of humanitarian action are explained, with due consideration for mandates and expertise and in line with humanitarian principles.
The IASC Protection Policy is available via the following link: http://www.globalprotectioncluster.or...


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