Democratic Republic of Congo

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  • There are more internally displaced persons in DRC than any other country in Africa. Provinces in eastern, southern, and central DRC are subject to complex episodes of violence and conflict between government forces and different militia groups. Continuous cycles of new acute crises displace hundreds of thousands of families, often leaving them with little access to basic shelter and essential household and personal non-food items (NFI).
  • With over 79% of displaced families living with host families, needs for shelter and NFI are often equally acute among some of the host families; in recovering and stabilizing areas, returning families often face significant needs in rebuilding homes and accessing household and personal assets.
  • The 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) estimated that 2.2 million people would be in need of some form of NFI and/or shelter assistance this year, but this figure has risen dramatically with the escalation of the conflict in Tanganyika province and the new crisis in the central Kasai provinces where OCHA estimates 1.4 million people are displaced.

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Coordination Team