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Journeyman is your independent source for the most powerful films exploring the world's most burning issues. Everyday Monday to Friday we upload challenging reportd from around the world, showcasing the best in independent, edgy journalism.
The growing threat of Islamic extremism and the consequent rise in Islamophobia have made it more difficult than ever to be a Muslim in America. This playlist explores how life is changing for Islamic American citizens.
The scientific debate surrounding global warming is all but settled, yet politicians refuse to listen; now Donald Trump has appointed climate change denier Scott Pruitt as head of the Environment Protection Agency. This playlist aims to serve as a reminder that Climate Change poses a very real threat to humanity and examines the myriad ways our planet is already being affected.
America's New President-Elect cuts a controversial figure, to say the least - but who really is Trump? What are his values? How did he manage to defeat the odds and triumph in one of the most grueling elections in recent memory? In this playlist we attempt to get to the bottom of all of these questions and more.