Small and Micro Enterprises

Through entrepreneurial training, our teams provide refugees with essential skills such as business plan development, money management, pricing and marketing.

UNHCR partners with local, national and international organizations, training institutes, government institutions and other UN agencies to provide this type of training. For example, in association with the Marketplace Literacy Project at the University of Illinois, we provide training designed to teach low-literate refugees how to better navigate marketplaces. This includes bargaining, verbally counting money, judging products by look and use, and estimating credit-worthiness of customers. 

Start-Up Grants

When building businesses, many refugees are provided with start-up grants. These grants are intended for those who would not qualify for loans, or where access to financial services is limited.  The grant may be in the form of a productive asset for their business, or cash that the refugee can use to purchase start-up equipment and materials. Grants are only provided to refugees who have developed viable business plans which have been approved by technical reviewers.  

Financial inclusion

Access to affordable financial services is essential for refugees to start, build, sustain and expand enterprises, and their livelihoods. We work with Financial Service Providers (FSPs), such as banks and microfinance institutions, to offer access to savings, loans, and other financial products.