Mosul's war widows face new challenges in displacement

Female-headed households now make up more than a quarter of the 4,463 families at a UNHCR camp sheltering displaced residents from Iraq's second city.

4 Jul 2017

Refugee and migrant flows through Libya on the rise - report

UNHCR study finds the North African country is by far the preferred jumping off point for refugees and migrants hoping to reach Europe, yet it is particularly unsafe.

3 Jul 2017

As Mosul battle rages, trapped residents face terror and hunger

Iraqis say militants gun down civilians escaping fighting in old Mosul, while thousands trapped there are used as human shields.

27 Jun 2017

UNHCR chief praises Uganda's commitment to refugees

Filippo Grandi tells Uganda Solidarity Summit on Refugees greater efforts are needed to support refugee hosting countries and find peace in South Sudan.

23 Jun 2017

UNHCR chief urges African leaders to tackle displacement

In an address to members of the African Union, Filippo Grandi calls on governments to end the conflicts that cause millions to flee.

21 Jun 2017

Refugees deserve praise for resilience and courage

On World Refugee Day, Filippo Grandi says it is a moment to recognize those who welcome people fleeing war, violence and persecution.

20 Jun 2017

In Kenya, UNHCR Special Envoy urges support for child refugees

Angelina Jolie calls for reflection on the "pain and suffering" of refugee children during a visit to a centre for adolescent girls in Nairobi on World Refugee Day.

20 Jun 2017

Security key to solving soaring South Sudan displacement

Witnessing the world's fastest growing displacement crisis, Filippo Grandi says peace, hope and a sense of a future are essential.

19 Jun 2017

Refugee participation seen as key to comprehensive response

Annual talks between UNHCR and representatives of 313 NGOs conclude with call to allow refugees to become self-reliant.

16 Jun 2017