Global Alliance for Humanitarian Innovation

GAHI works to scale innovation in the humanitarian system. GAHI is a neutral convenor and facilitator that brings together humanitarians, businesses, governments and innovation hubs around a common purpose.

About GAHI

Our Values:

People Centred

People Centred

GAHI embraces the fact that people are the best arbiters of their own futures. Change in the humanitarian system must place people and communities, paying particular attention to women and girls, at the heart of response, and empower them to lead and shape emergency response.



There is no single approach to scale that will work across different issue areas. GAHI does not have the answers; rather we facilitate and convene the work of humanitarian stakeholders in the quest for these answers.



GAHI's work must adhere to the highest possible ethical standards, and help propagate ethical and responsible innovation throughout the humanitarian community.



GAHI cherishes transparency as a core value. We will be open about our processes and about our success, our failure and the challenges we face on our journey. We will comply with all international standards for transparency – and do our best to go beyond the minimum.



GAHI is a service provider for the humanitarian community. We do not seek attention or credit for our work; we seek to help the community help people in need.

“While a great deal has been achieved with narrowly defined innovation practices and programs, this is no longer enough. Innovation 3.0 calls for a broad new ecosystem of system innovation capabilities. ”

Dan McClure

Innovation 3.0 – Bigger Solutions for Harder Problems

Mission: Bring humanitarian innovation to scale

GAHI brings humanitarians, businesses, governments and innovation hubs together to take advantage of new opportunities, tools and technologies. Learn more

Strategy: Work together to address obstacles

GAHI serves the humanitarian system, helping humanitarians to address the political, process and evidence obstacles to scaling by leveraging collective will and resources to deliver more effectively. Learn more

Focus Areas: GAHI follows where our members lead

In addition to foundational work on evidence and ethics, GAHI is working on: migration and displacement; dull disasters; and new technologies for the Grand Bargain... Learn more

“Humanitarians will need to adapt if they are to maintain their relevance, reputation and impact”

Ben Ramalingam

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