

With States as primary stakeholders, the Nansen Initiative is managed by a Steering Group, a Consultative Committee, an Envoy and a small Secretariat.

Nine states with balanced representation from the Global South and North form a STEERING GROUP that initiates, hosts, overviews and steers the process. The Steering Group is chaired by Switzerland and Norway and includes the following countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Germany, Kenya, Mexico and the Philippines. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are Standing Invitees to the Steering Group.


States from affected sub-regions together with states receiving displaced people represent important stakeholders for the Initiative. International organizations as well as academic experts, civil society and the affected people are also actively participating in the process.

A CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE made up of representatives from international organizations dealing with displacement and migration issues, climate change and development, researchers, think tanks and non-governmental organizations are informing and supporting the process through the experience of its members.

A GROUP OF FRIENDS OF THE NANSEN INITIATIVE comprising interested states and regional organizations who would like to be associated with the Initiative. They contribute to the work of the Initiative with comments and proposals.

Nansen Initiative Brochure (EN)

Brochure Initiative Nansen (FR)

Contact us:

International Environment House 2
7-9 Chemin de Balexert
1219 Chatelaine, Geneva
Tel: +41 22 917 8499

Professor Walter Kaelin acts as ENVOY OF THE CHAIRMANSHIP of the Nansen Initiative, representing it throughout the process and providing strategic guidance and input.

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Finally, the process is supported by a small NANSEN INITIATIVE SECRETARIAT based in Geneva, Switzerland.

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