About Ben

Actor Ben Stiller has been supporting UNHCR since early 2016. He has travelled with us to meet refugees in Germany, and most recently to learn about UNHCR’s frontline work in Jordan. 

In Jordan Ben spent time with Syrian refugees living in camps and urban settings.  He met families benefiting from UNHCR’s innovative cash assistance program and refugees going through the resettlement process.  Ben was particularly moved by the resilience of the people he encountered, the incredible spirit and energy of the children, and the deep longing to return home of many of the refugees with whom he spoke. He wrote about his experiences for TIME, and also posted videos of the refugees he met – along with some memorable moments - on his social feeds following the trip.

Ben has played a key role in UNHCR projects including our #WithRefugees campaign.  He featured in an advocacy film alongside fellow high profile supporters, refugees and UNHCR field staff, encouraging the public to sign a petition calling on world leaders to take shared responsibility in their response to the global refugee crisis.   Ben spoke in the UN General Assembly Hall at the handing in of the petition to the UN Secretary General ahead of the historic UN Summit on Refugees & Migrants in September 2016.

Recent support and field visits

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