Why innovators can come from all parts of an organization

Why innovators can come from all parts of an organization

Alpha Diallo was perhaps not the most obvious employee among his colleagues in Abidjan to take on the role of Innovation Fellow. As Head of Administration and Finance at UNHCR’s operation in Côte d’Ivoire, he wasn’t in daily contact with persons of concerns. But he...
Fellowship Gate II: Why engaging others is crucial for good ideas

Fellowship Gate II: Why engaging others is crucial for good ideas

In our second series highlighting the 2017 Innovation Fellows, we are bringing you insights into ideation and prioritization. Now that the Innovation Fellows have chosen a Challenge – the next step is to understand what already exists and engage others in the...
The vital (and sometimes boring) procedures that drive innovation

The vital (and sometimes boring) procedures that drive innovation

Over the course of 2016, the Emergency Lab has been involved in numerous emergency responses, which we’ve documented through this blog: fYR of Macedonia, Malawi, Niger…When we set out on this journey we had one question that we weren’t really sure of the answer of: is...
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