10 steps to setting up an effective feedback mechanism

10 steps to setting up an effective feedback mechanism

A phrase I’ve often heard from colleagues when discussing ‘accountability’ is: ‘I know what I need to do, but not how to do it’. Moving beyond theory to the practical – to actually closing the feedback loop – is notoriously challenging. Especially in an emergency. How...
New publication: Innovation Quarterly | The Green Issue

New publication: Innovation Quarterly | The Green Issue

Download the Green Issue of Innovation Quarterly to read about how UNHCR is innovating around the themes of energy and the environment, and other great stories about humanitarian innovation. The articles featured in the new issue of Innovation Quarterly include: Page...
New publication: Innovation Quarterly | Issue 3

New publication: Innovation Quarterly | Issue 3

Download the lifelong learning issue of Innovation Quarterly to read about how UNHCR is incorporating innovation into its response strategy, and other great stories about humanitarian innovation. The articles featured in the new issue of Innovation Quarterly include:...
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