The Greener Fuel: giving refugees a choice in Rwanda

The Greener Fuel: giving refugees a choice in Rwanda

In September 2016, a Rwandan social benefit company called Inyenyeri did something no private sector business had ever done before in the country. It opened shop inside a refugee camp. Its partnership with UNHCR and the clean cooking fuel option it offers refugees may...
Communicating with Communities, or Individuals?

Communicating with Communities, or Individuals?

The need for differentiation and the role of mass customization. No community is homogenous – meaning there is no ‘silver bullet’ or one ‘best channel’ to communicate via. Everybody accesses and consumes information in a different way – we are all unique....
A critical time for refugees and their environment (again)

A critical time for refugees and their environment (again)

In 2002, Ray Wilkinson wrote that it was a critical time for the environment.  Looking 10 years into the past, he referenced then-High Commissioner Sadako Ogata, who said in 1992 that the “relationship between refugees and the environment has been long...
Innovation or Imitation in Uganda

Innovation or Imitation in Uganda

Boda Boda Talk Talk: an idea that worked A few years ago a friend working with Internews slapped a ‘Boda Boda Talk Talk’ sticker to my laptop and excitedly told me about the organization’s new project in South Sudan. Looking at the ‘BBTT’ emblazoned on my computer, I...
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