
Syrian wrestling star grapples with new challenge in Egypt

After escaping conflict in Syria, champion wrestler Amir opens a refugee sports centre in Alexandria to train a new generation of competitors.

28 Dec 2017

Most Syrian refugees in Lebanon now destitute, study finds

Share of refugee households living in extreme poverty reaches 58 per cent, annual survey reveals, as funding shortage compounds hardship for some.

27 Dec 2017

Driven from their lands, Colombia's Awá struggle to survive

Indigenous community uprooted by the armed conflict face a precarious future.

26 Dec 2017

Strasbourg Christmas market welcomes very special guests

For second year running, Strasbourg Christmas market welcomes refugee chefs from Syria, Afghanistan and Tibet.

24 Dec 2017

Orphaned Rohingya children forced to grow up too fast

In Bangladesh, thousands of teenaged refugees are now caring for their younger siblings and relatives after losing their families in Myanmar violence.

22 Dec 2017

UNHCR steps up aid as displaced Syrians brace for winter

Plans in place to help protect 3.8 million vulnerable individuals from harsh weather this winter, but programme currently only 63 per cent funded.

22 Dec 2017

Bishops offer 'room at the inn' to refugees in Hungary

In a country with a xenophobic streak and a government proud to call itself 'illiberal', religious leaders are speaking up.

20 Dec 2017

Support programmes give Somali returnees a chance to rebuild

UNHCR equips refugees who wish to return to Somalia with the skills to help them start over. However, more needs to be done.

13 Dec 2017

Italian project offers path to hope for vulnerable refugees in Ethiopia

Italy is extending a lifeline to families in need through its Humanitarian Corridors Programme.

8 Dec 2017