الاستجابة الإقليميّة للاجئين السوريين
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات

معلومات شريك

Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli
Country Offices & Branches
CISP (CISP - Lebanon)
حول Since 1996, CISP is working in Lebanon to support needy communities of Palestinian refugees and of Lebanese population. More than 30 projects have been implemented so far. Projects are mainly funded or co-funded by the European Commission (ECHO, EC) and by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs /Italian Cooperation (DGCS). Some projects received also funding contribution from UN agencies (UNRWA, UNICEF) and from Italian local administrations such as Regione Emilia Romagna. Further the 2011-2012 Syrian crisis / emergency, CISP is currently involved in the emergency response to provide relief and support to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon. To this regard, CISPs main fields of intervention are WASH, school, education and other basic emergency needs.
الاسم الكامل Simone Abou-Jaoude
رقم الهاتف 00961 3 280 792
البريد الإلكتروني cispleb@cyberia.net.lb
عنوان Beirut, Furn El Chebbak, Mdawar Street, Adliyeh Building, second foor
الموقع http://www.sviluppodeipopoli.org/
Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Marjaayoun, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Hasbaiya, South Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Sour, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Hasbaiya, South Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Sour, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Marjaayoun, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Water & Sanitation
Tripoli, North Lebanon, Lebanon
El Minieh-Dennie, North Lebanon, Lebanon
El Koura, North Lebanon, Lebanon
Zgharta, North Lebanon, Lebanon
El Batroun, North Lebanon, Lebanon
Jezzine, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Hasbaiya, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Sour, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Marjaayoun, South Lebanon, Lebanon