الاستجابة الإقليميّة للاجئين السوريين
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات

معلومات شريك

United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees
Country Offices & Branches
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees, Middle East & North Africa (UNHCR MENA)
الموقع http://www.unhcr.org/pages/4a02db416.html

Report Date: 29/11/2017
Key regional indicators of achievements in the 3RP Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan.
Download - (1.9 MB)
Report Date: 29/11/2017
Includes the most relevant updates on the beneficiary population targets, their needs, operational trends, achievements against response plan and budgetary requirements for the Protection sector.
Download - (223.7 KB)
Report Date: 29/11/2017
Includes the most relevant updates on the beneficiary population targets, their needs, operational trends, achievements against response plan and budgetary requirements for the Food Security sector.
Download - (232.9 KB)

United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Egypt (UNHCR Egypt)
رقم الهاتف +202 38355803
البريد الإلكتروني areca@unhcr.org
عنوان 17th Mekka El Mokrama Street 3rd proximity, 7th District Behind 6th of October Club 6 October City Egypt
الموقع http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49e486356.html

Child Protection
Egypt, Egypt, Egypt
Egypt, Egypt, Egypt
Gender-Based Violence
Egypt, Egypt, Egypt
Information Management
Egypt, Egypt, Egypt
Egypt, Egypt, Egypt
Egypt, Egypt, Egypt

United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Iraq (UNHCR Iraq)
الموقع http://www.unhcr.org

Camp Management
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Child Protection
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Community Services
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Basirma Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Sulaymaniyah Non-Camp, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Basirma Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Qushtapa Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Food Security
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Gender-Based Violence
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Basirma Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Information Management
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Qushtapa Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Basirma Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Basirma Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Qushtapa Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Sulaymaniyah Non-Camp, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Basirma Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Erbil Non-Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Qushtapa Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Sulaymaniyah Non-Camp, Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
Reproductive Health
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Qushtapa Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Darashakran Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Basirma Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Water & Sanitation
Anbar Non-Camp, Anbar, Iraq
Kawergosk Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Basirma Camp, Erbil, Iraq
Qushtapa Camp, Erbil, Iraq

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Jordan (UNHCR Jordan)
الاسم الكامل Yukiko Koyama
البريد الإلكتروني koyama@unhcr.org
عنوان Khalda, Amman
الموقع http://www.unhcr.jo

Camp Management
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan
Cash Assistance
Ajloun , Ajlun Governorate, Jordan
Amman, Amman Governorate, Jordan
Aqabah, Aqaba Governorate, Jordan
Balqa, Balqa Governorate, Jordan
Jarash , Jarash Governorate, Jordan
Karak , Karak Govenorate, Jordan
Maan, Maan Governorate, Jordan
Mafraq, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Child Protection
Amman, Amman Governorate, Jordan
Jarash , Jarash Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Mafraq, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan
Community Services
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan
Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Amman, Amman Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Food Security
Mafraq, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Gender-Based Violence
Amman, Amman Governorate, Jordan
Jarash , Jarash Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan
Ajloun , Ajlun Governorate, Jordan
Amman, Amman Governorate, Jordan
Aqabah, Aqaba Governorate, Jordan
Balqa, Balqa Governorate, Jordan
Jarash , Jarash Governorate, Jordan
Karak , Karak Govenorate, Jordan
Maan, Maan Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Mafraq, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Ajloun , Ajlun Governorate, Jordan
Amman, Amman Governorate, Jordan
Aqabah, Aqaba Governorate, Jordan
Balqa, Balqa Governorate, Jordan
Jarash , Jarash Governorate, Jordan
Karak , Karak Govenorate, Jordan
Maan, Maan Governorate, Jordan
Mafraq, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan
Water & Sanitation
Mafraq, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Zaatari Refugee Camp, Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Azraq Camp, Zarqa Governorate, Jordan

United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Lebanon (UNHCR Lebanon)
حول UNHCR has worked in Lebanon for 50 years. The Office has both country and regional responsibilities. Prior the arrival of Syrian refugees in the spring of 2011, the Office was directed primarily at protecting and assisting some 10,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, most of whom were from Iraq. Since then, in addition to its Beirut Office, UNHCR has established a presence in the North, Akkar, and the Bekaa to protect and respond to the needs of displaced Syrians in Lebanon. Working alongside the government of Lebanon, notably the High Relief Commission, the Ministry of Social Affairs and municipalities, UNHCR has worked to ensure a consolidated and coordinated inter-agency response, engaging fellow UN agencies and local and international non-governmental partners.

UNHCR teams in the north and the Bekaa, with support from the Beirut Office, work with over 30 partner staff on the ground to receive refugees, assess needs, and meet protection, food, shelter, education, health and psycho-social needs. The coordinated response is one that also seeks to support host families and communities who have opened their doors to refugees since the beginning of the influx. The Office has invested in strengthening the capacities of the Government, local partners, and the local community through technical and material support and the establishment of local projects to benefit refugees and hosting communities.

الاسم الكامل Operator
رقم الهاتف 00961 -1849201
عنوان Ramlet El-Baida - Beirut Dr.Philippe Hitti Street P.O. Box 11-7332 Lebanon
الموقع http://www.unhcr.org/

Report Date: 15/12/2017
The 2017 Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (VASyR) is the fifth annual survey assessing the situation of a representative sample of registered Syrian refugee households to identify situational changes and trends. With over one million registered refugees within its borders, Lebanon hosts the second-largest population of Syrian refugees in the region, and the highest per capita population of refugees in the world. Since the first assessment in 2013, the VASyR has been an essential tool for partnership and for shaping planning decisions and programme design. It is the cornerstone for support and intervention in Lebanon.
Download - (11.8 MB)
Report Date: 07/12/2017
A Guide to Design Good and Smart Indicators for the Response • Well-designed indicators are self-explanatory and can only be interpreted in one way.
Download - (98.3 KB)
Report Date: 07/12/2017
Background This guide to methodology has been produced by the Assessment Working Group (AWG) to assist organizations undertaking assessments in Lebanon. The AWG Methodology team will use this guide in their discussions with organizations that have submitted assessments for endorsement. The guide may also be useful for organizations during the assessment planning process. When to conduct a needs assessment A needs assessment may be required at any of the following points:  A new crisis emerges;  A sudden change occurs in an existing crisis;  Additional information is required relating to a specific situation;  Contingency planning is undertaken;  It is necessary to confirm whether beneficiary needs have been met and whether new needs have arisen;  A change of policy provides requires it, or  A funding request is planned where identification of needs is essential.
Download - (293.3 KB)
Report Date: 07/12/2017
Data collected on Activity Info allows the humantarian community in Lebanon to: Measure achievements over time Create monthly statisical dashboards showing sector progress towards targets on key indicators
Download - (1.2 MB)
Camp Management
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Cash Assistance
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Child Protection
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Community Services
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Food Security
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Gender-Based Violence
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Information Management
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Reproductive Health
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon
Water & Sanitation
Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
Bekaa, Bekaa, Lebanon
Mount Lebanon, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
North Lebanon, North Lebanon, Lebanon
South Lebanon, South Lebanon, Lebanon

Regional Refugee Coordinator (UNHCR RRC Hub)


United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Turkey (UNHCR Turkey)
الموقع http://www.unhcr.org.tr