Childhood stolen by street gangs

Sexual violence, beatings and forced recruitment by gangs drive thousands of Salvadoran, Honduran and Guatemalan youngsters to run for their lives.

8 Dec 2016

Hi-tech tale of refugee boy who stopped growing

Virtual reality "igloo" tells 360-degree story of Omar whose hormone deficiency is being treated again in new home in Finland.

8 Dec 2016

UNHCR chief calls for urgent action to protect refugee children

Filippo Grandi opens two-day dialogue on protection challenges with a call to safeguard children on the move and find solutions for them.

8 Dec 2016

UNHCR updates protection 'toolkit' for a world on the move

A decade on from the launch of the UN Refugee Agency's 10-Point Plan, Protection Chief Volker Türk outlines the latest update to its best practices framework.

7 Dec 2016

States pledge US$701 million to UNHCR for 2017 operations

In the biggest show of support ever, donor governments today promised an initial US$701 million to fund UN Refugee Agency operations next year.

7 Dec 2016

Libyans twice uprooted by war call for urgent help

Driven from their homes by fighting in 2011 and then again this year, displaced Sirte residents face dire need even as their city is recaptured from militants.

7 Dec 2016

UNHCR calls for new vision in Europe's approach to refugees

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi urges far-reaching reform of European asylum system.

5 Dec 2016

Lebanese school empowers children with hearing impairment

Specialized academic institute gives local and Syrian refugee pupils with hearing impairment a chance to fulfil their promise.

2 Dec 2016

Q&A: The 1951 Refugee Convention 'is as relevant today as it was at the time'

While the world has changed in the 65 years since the Convention was drawn up, UNHCR's protection chief, Volker Türk, explains why it remains relevant today.

2 Dec 2016