Refugees in Libya

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

Total IDPs in Libya JSON 
Last updated 30 Nov 2017
Source - IOM 
Total IDP Returnees (2016-2017) JSON 
Last updated 30 Nov 2017
Source - IOM 
Registered Refugees in Libya * JSON 
Last updated 30 Nov 2017
Source - UNHCR 
* UNHCR is currently registering individuals from the following nationalities: Iraqi, Syrian, Palestinian, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Somali, Sudanese
Registered Refugees by Origin JSON  .CSV 
Country of origin Source Data date Population
Syrian Arab Rep. UNHCR 30 Nov 2017
Palestine UNHCR 30 Nov 2017
Eritrea UNHCR 30 Nov 2017
Sudan UNHCR 30 Nov 2017
Iraq UNHCR 30 Nov 2017
Somalia UNHCR 30 Nov 2017
Ethiopia UNHCR 30 Nov 2017
Autres UNHCR 30 Nov 2017

  Latest Documents
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (15-23 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 22 December 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
    Créé: 23 December 2017 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (9-15 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 15 December 2017 (il y a 10 jours)
    Créé: 20 December 2017 (il y a 5 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (2-8 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 8 December 2017 (il y a 17 jours)
    Créé: 20 December 2017 (il y a 5 jours)
  • Libya: Registration - Fact sheet November 2017

    Refugees and Asylum Seekers registered by UNHCR in Libya as of 30 November 2017
    Date de publication: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 23 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Libya: Activities at Disembarkation - Monthly update, November 2017

    Libya continues to be the main transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe. UNHCR's interverntions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance a...
    Date de publication: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 6 December 2017 (il y a 19 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Libya: Reference Map

    Libya: Reference map with UNHCR offices
    Date de publication: 10 November 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Libya: UNHCR Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees (as of 8 November 2017)

    UNHCR and partners provide basic assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returned IDPs in Libya. So far in 2017, 4,792 displaced or returned families received non-food items and another ...
    Date de publication: 8 November 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Libya: Disembarkation points

    UNHCR through its partner International Medical Corps provides medical services, rescue kits and rehabilitation of WASH facilities at six disembarkation points, in Azzawya, Tripoli (3), Tajoura (Al Ha...
    Date de publication: 27 September 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Libya: Detention centres (September 2017)

    Libya: Active official detention centres as of 21 September 2017
    Date de publication: 27 September 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
  • UNHCR Libya: Assistance to internally displaced people (IDP) - January 2016 to March 2017

    UNHCR and partners provide basic assistance to internally displaced persons (IDP) in Libya. In 2016, 3,998 displaced families received core relief items and another 1,000 families received cash assist...
    Date de publication: 10 April 2017 (il y a 8 mois)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 23 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (15-23 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 22 December 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
    Créé: 23 December 2017 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (9-15 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 15 December 2017 (il y a 10 jours)
    Créé: 20 December 2017 (il y a 5 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (2-8 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 8 December 2017 (il y a 17 jours)
    Créé: 20 December 2017 (il y a 5 jours)
  • Libya: Registration - Fact sheet November 2017

    Refugees and Asylum Seekers registered by UNHCR in Libya as of 30 November 2017
    Date de publication: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 23 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Libya: Activities at Disembarkation - Monthly update, November 2017

    Libya continues to be the main transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe. UNHCR's interverntions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance a...
    Date de publication: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 6 December 2017 (il y a 19 jours)
  • Libya: Registration - Fact sheet November 2017

    Refugees and Asylum Seekers registered by UNHCR in Libya as of 30 November 2017
    Date de publication: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 23 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Libya: Activities at Disembarkation - Monthly update, November 2017

    Libya continues to be the main transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe. UNHCR's interverntions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance a...
    Date de publication: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 6 December 2017 (il y a 19 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Libya: Activities at Disembarkation - Monthly update, October 2017

    Libya continues to be the main transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe. UNHCR's interverntions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance a...
    Date de publication: 2 November 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 6 December 2017 (il y a 19 jours)
  • Libya: Registration - Fact sheet October 2017

    Refugees and Asylum Seekers registered by UNHCR in Libya as of 31 October 2017
    Date de publication: 2 November 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 23 jours)
  • Télécharger

    Libya: Activities at Disembarkation - Monthly update, September 2017

    Libya continues to be the main transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe. UNHCR's interverntions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance a...
    Date de publication: 2 October 2017 (il y a 2 mois)
    Créé: 6 December 2017 (il y a 19 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (15-23 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 22 December 2017 (il y a 3 jours)
    Créé: 23 December 2017 (il y a 2 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (9-15 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 15 December 2017 (il y a 10 jours)
    Créé: 20 December 2017 (il y a 5 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (2-8 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 8 December 2017 (il y a 17 jours)
    Créé: 20 December 2017 (il y a 5 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (16 November - 1 December 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
    Créé: 4 December 2017 (il y a 21 jours)
  • Télécharger

    UNHCR Libya Flash Update (9-16 November 2017)

    UNHCR Libya operational update
    Date de publication: 16 November 2017 (il y a 1 mois)
    Créé: 1 December 2017 (il y a 24 jours)
  • Loading UNHCR Funding

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      La crise des Réfugiés dans les médias

    UNHCR welcomes Libya’s transit facility to expedite third country solutions for vulnerable refugees, 29 Nov 2017

    UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes the decision by the Libyan authorities to set up a “transit and departure facility” in Tripoli for people in need of international protection. Lire plus


    News Comment by Vincent Cochetel, UNHCR’s Special Envoy for the Central Mediterranean Situation, on the first evacuation of refugees from Libya to Niger, 11 Nov 2017

    “I’m pleased to announce that a first group of 25 extremely vulnerable refugees were evacuated today, Saturday 11 November, from Libya to Niger by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. Lire plus


    UNHCR steps up efforts towards alternatives to detention in Libya and solutions for vulnerable refugees, 12 Sep 2017

    Libya remains one of the most complex mixed migration situations in the world, with refugees traveling alongside migrants through perilous routes, surviving dangerous desert crossings and abuses that include sexual violence, torture, detention in inhumane conditions and abductions for ransom. Lire plus


    Statement by Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees on the Paris meeting of 28 August, 28 Aug 2017

    “UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes commitments made today at the Paris meeting on migration and asylum. Lire plus