IOC launches campaign to bring light to refugee camps

International Olympic Committee and UNHCR team up in 'Become the Light' campaign for refugee camps without adequate lighting.

20 Nov 2017

Desperate Rohingyas flee to Bangladesh on flimsy rafts

UNHCR is concerned at the growing number of people resorting to desperate means to flee Myanmar.

17 Nov 2017

Lebanese clown group uses laughter to make serious points

Clowns present tales from children to create awareness of human rights and social justice.

16 Nov 2017

In Italy, scholarship gives South Sudanese refugee fresh chance

The UWC Refugee Initiative hopes to double number of scholarships it currently offers to refugees to at least 100.

16 Nov 2017

Harnessing citizens' goodwill can help solve refugee crisis

UNHCR holds talks on how to share responsibility more fairly, as part of a process to draw up a global compact on refugees.

15 Nov 2017

Jordan's Za'atari camp goes green with new solar plant

Largest project of its kind in a refugee camp will provide welcome additional power to residents and slash carbon emissions and energy costs

14 Nov 2017

UNHCR alarmed at deteriorating conditions in Yemen

Prices for essential commodities have skyrocketed since the land, sea and air borders were closed last week.

14 Nov 2017

Crafting a life for refugee artisans

La Fabrique Nomade helps artisans who are refugees continue their craft in France.

13 Nov 2017

Aleppo returnees assess scale of rebuilding

Fierce fighting has left much of Aleppo in ruins, but with help, those now returning are determined to repair its wounds.

13 Nov 2017