

  • 99.39 M population (UNDP)

  • 736,086 Number of Refugees (UNHCR)

  • 29.6% Poverty Rate (UNDP)

  • 0.448 Human Development Index (UNDP)

  • 5.7% Unemployment Rate (World Bank)

  • 9.6% GDP Growth (World Bank)


Ethiopia currently hosts over 843,000 refugees from 20 countries. As conflicts continue in neighbouring countries, refugees continue to enter Ethiopia on a daily basis, making it the second largest refugee-hosting country in Africa. At the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees on 20 September 2016 in New York the country made very substantial pledges (e.g. expand out-of-camp policy, provide work permits to refugees, increase enrolment of refugee children in preschool, primary, secondary and tertiary education, expand and enhance basic and essential social services for refugees etc.). The CRRF aims to accompany the implementation of these pledges. The Government has prepared a roadmap detailing the implementation of each pledge, outlining key opportunities and partnerships that must be put in place, and is incorporating these pledges into a legally-binding Comprehensive Proclamation. The CRRF will thus contribute to a more holistic and predictable response to refugee arrivals, including maintaining access to asylum, guaranteeing safe and dignified reception; addressing ongoing protection needs; supporting host populations and local authorities; and facilitating a transition to local solutions.

Key Needs

  • • Continuous drought in many regions, tensions – that led to the current State of Emergency -, coupled with further cross-border movements in the country since the start of 2017.
  • • The Government’s ability to realize its aspirations to further its duty of care to refugees, relative to its existing resource constraints, will inevitably be based on the scale-up of equitable responsibility-sharing between Member States.

Existing Frameworks

CRRF Partners

Under Development


Evénements à venir