

  • 10,79 M Population (UNDP)

  • 615,000 Number of Refugees (UNHCR)

  • 1.133 M Number of IDPs (UNHCR)

  • 0,280 Human Development Index (UNDP)

  • 6,6% Unemployment Rate (World Bank)

  • 2,6% GDP Growth (World Bank)


With a new Federal President elected in January 2017, and a new Parliamentarian in place, Somalia has made a major step toward stabilization. The vibrant young population, which accounts for more than 70% of the population, is key to Somalia’s growth. Challenges are significant and Al-Shabaab still controls large areas of the country. An ongoing drought has already displaced some 615,000 in addition to the more than 1million protracted internally displaced people. Substantial investment and support are required across a range of in order to address root causes of displacement in Somalia and stabilise conditions internally. As part of a regional approach the application of the CRRF for the Somalia situation has two objectives: It supports Somalia’s stabilisation through State-building and peace-building, fostering conditions for the return of Somali refugees in safety and dignity. And it also seeks to support countries in the region that host Somali refugees, and the local communities.

Key Needs

  • The ongoing drought, resulting in the renewed displacement of Somalis, both internally and externally to neighbouring countries, putting further pressure on resources, particularly in urban areas
  • The scale of humanitarian and developments needs inside Somalia, and the chronically underfunded responses to address these needs.

Existing Frameworks

Nairobi Comprehensive Plan of Action for Durable Solutions for Somali Refugees: Hosted by the Government of the Republic of Kenya, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) convened a regional Heads of State and Government Summit ("Special Summit") in Nairobi on 25th March 2017, which was undertaken in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and supported by the European Union. At the Special Summit, the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of IGAD, in cooperation with the international community, resolved to deliver durable solutions for the more than 900,000 Somali refugees, who have been displaced in one of the world's most protracted crises, as well as over a million displaced persons within Somalia. This commitment is expressed in their Declaration, and adopted in a Comprehensive Plan of Action, which emphasizes the actions to be carried out in the delivery of durable solutions for Somali refugees. The Comprehensive Plan of Action reflects the commitment by regional leaders to marshal a comprehensive integrated regional approach to deliver durable solutions for Somali refugees, whilst maintaining protection and promoting self-reliance and assistance in the countries of asylum, with the support of the international community and other stakeholders.
Durable Solutions Initiative: Addressing displacement and achieving durable solutions for IDPs, Refugee Returnees and Host Communities is a key priority for Somalia as reflected in the National Development
Plan (NDP). It is also a shared responsibility between the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), the Federal Member States (FMS) and the international community, as well as an essential dimension in peace and resilience-building, socio-economic transformation, poverty reduction, and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In support of these objectives, the FGS and the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator (DSRSG/RC/HC) are spearheading a collective initiative in Somalia since 2016, with all concerned actors to design, fund and implement durable solutions
in a coherent and coordinated way, in line with the NDP. The state led and community focused “Durable Solutions Initiative” (DSI), developed in collaboration with the Somali Government, the UN, the World Bank, NGOs and the donor community, provides a collective framework for harmonising durable solutions approaches and programming. The DSI promotes an area-based, multi-sectoral, multi-stakeholders,
rights & needs based approach involving simultaneously humanitarian and development partners under the leadership of government authorities.

CRRF Partners

Under Development

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