

  • 887,000 Population (UNDP)

  • 27,601 Number of Refugees (UNHCR)

  • 42.2% Poverty Rate (UNDP)

  • 0.473 Human Development Index (UNDP)

  • 6.6% Unemployment Rate (World Bank)

  • 6.5% GDP Growth (World Bank)


Djibouti has a tradition of hosting refugees spanning over four decades; throughout this time it has maintained an open-door policy for refugees. With a population of 887,900 Djibouti currently hosts over 27,700 refugees, mostly from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and more recently from Yemen. Djibouti has welcomed thousands of refugees fleeing the conflict that started in 2015 in Yemen. It has also accommodated refugees from the protracted situations in Ethiopia and Somalia. The vast majority of refugees in Djibouti live in three camps and are dependent on humanitarian assistance. Large-scale investment and new infrastructure projects provide concrete opportunities to apply the CRRF in areas where both refugees and host communities live, leading to economic growth and development in these areas, for the benefit of both populations. Fulfilling its first Leaders’ Summit pledge, in January 2017, the Government announced a new refugee law aimed at strengthening the protection of refugees and safeguard their fundamental rights, including access to education, employment, and eventual naturalization. This progressive law - once it is implemented through a decree - will pave the way for greater inclusion of refugees in Djiboutian society.

Key Needs

  • With less than 1,000km2 of arable land and very little annual rainfall, Djibouti has a chronic food deficit and is wholly dependent on imports to meet its food needs. It is highly sensitive to external shocks such as spikes in food and fuel prices and natural disasters such as floods and droughts.
  • There are also limited work opportunities in the country as it grapples with a high unemployment rate. While the Government's welcoming policy is lauded by the international community, there is a need to address the strain on domestic resources.

Existing Frameworks

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