Celestian and Nassir, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Ghana as-s 2

Photo credit: courtesy: MYLA Skopje

This year, around 6,000 participants from 47 countries participated in the 10th Skopje Marathon and were running through the main streets of Skopje, the capital of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in a joyful atmosphere. Among them, two racers from Guinea attracted the attention of the public with their contagious enthusiasm and smiling faces: asylum seekers Celestian Salas Ssangare and Nassir Diaby.

Photo credit: courtesy: MYLA Skopje

Photo credit: courtesy: MYLA Skopje

“We have arrived in Skopje in January 2014 and were accommodated in the Reception Center for Asylum Seekers located in Visbegovo near Skopje. During our initial contacts with the lawyers from the MYLA [Macedonian Young Lawyers Association], an implementing partner of UNHCR Skopje providing us with free legal assistance, we have learned about the famous Skopje Marathon and immediately expressed our wish to participate,” Celestian explained and Nassir added: “We are both good football players, sport has been our life. This country has been our host for several months already. We have made a lot of friends and wanted to join them during the marathon. We are not interested in wining but in promoting the sport.”



In the first couple of months of 2014, 275 new asylum seekers from 16 different countries were registered applying for asylum in the country, mainly coming from Syria (153), Afghanistan (82) and also from Pakistan, Eritrea, Mali, Somalia etc. UNHCR Skopje through its implementing partner MYLA provides free legal assistance to the asylum seekers during the status determination procedure.

Text by Aneta Galic, UNHCR Skopje

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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