Rights and obligations of recognised refugees

After being granted international protection in Greece you will be provided with a Residence Permit that is valid for three years, which may be renewed. You have the right to apply for travel documents.

You will have access to work, education, social welfare, medical care. Persons granted refugee status can apply for family reunification under certain criteria. For detailed information for those granted asylum/international protection in Greece, see here.

If you are granted refugee status in Greece:

  • You have all the rights and duties of an asylum seeker.
  • You will receive a residence permit that is valid for three years.
  • You can apply for a long-term residency permit or Greek citizenship if you fulfill all conditions.
  • You can apply for a travel document that allows you to visit other countries. You cannot move permanently to another European country until you have lived in Greece for at least five years.
  • You will have access to a full range of educational services including schools, universities, and vocational training programmes.