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Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

Putting people first: providing security, creating opportunities, embracing change

Welcome to Germany

Coveransicht des Tagungsbandes der EMN-Tagung Unbegleitete Minderjährige in Deutschland und Europa

27 July 2018 EMN Conference on Unaccompanied Minors

Experts from Germany and EU Member States came together to discuss the situation of unaccompanied minors in Germany and Europe at the Annual Conference of the German national contact point for the EMN.

More: EMN Conference on Unaccompanied Minors …

Links ein älterer Mann, der in einem Sessel sitzt und Zeitung liest. In der Mitte ein Junge und zwei Mädchen, die an ihren Schultischen sitzen. Der Junge und ein Mädchen zeigen auf. Rechts ein Verkehrkehrspolizist in gelber Warnweste.

9 February 2018 New film series: The Basic Law

On what values is our coexistence founded? What is the meaning of equal rights? Six explanatory films provide clear answers to these and other questions relating to the Basic Law in five different languages.

More: New film series: The Basic Law …

Bild-Grafik: Eine Frau mit einem Blatt Papier in der Hand steht zwischen zwei Gebäuden

27 July 2017 Information for refugees in several languages

In order to ensure that those seeking protection are better informed about the different stages of the asylum procedure, the Federal Office has developed a range of information that is available in a large number of languages: A film, an accompanying brochure, as well as an information guide.

More: Information for refugees in several languages …


Cover "The stages of the German asylum procedure"

17 May 2019 The stages of the German asylum procedure

The examination of asylum applications is one of the most important tasks performed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. This brochure will provide you with information on individual aspects of the asylum procedure.

More: The stages of the German asylum procedure …

Cover: WP85 Attracting and retaining international students in Germany

11 March 2019 Attracting and retaining international students in Germany

The study describes the political and legal framework of attracting and retaining international students, outlines the relevant actors, challenges, measures and strategies in the context of internationalisation of the higher education institutions.

More: Attracting and retaining international students in Germany …

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