Syria Regional Refugee Response
Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal
Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal

Needs Assessment Registry

Needs Assessment Registry
The assessment registry supports the coordination of assessment exercise. Assessment can be recorded in the system at various status level that gives information about their position in the approval workflow (A: "Planned", B: "Data collection started", C: "Data collection finished", D: "Published").

WASH Infrastructure & Services Assessment in Zaatari Camp
Date of Entry: 15/10/2017 Status: Published
The primary objective of this assessment was to evaluate the impact of this wastewater management project as well as general WASH practices in the camp in order to inform future programming. More specifically, the assessment focused on the use of the following WASH infrastructure and WASH-related services by camp residents: Private WASH infrastructure Communal sewage interceptor tank damage Water supply Waste water and solid waste disposal Repair & maintenance
Participating organizations: REACH
Created 1 month ago
WASH Infrastructure & Services Assessment in Zaatari Camp
Date of Entry: 15/10/2017 Status: Published
The primary objective of this assessment was to evaluate the impact of this wastewater management project as well as general WASH practices in the camp in order to inform future programming. More specifically, the assessment focused on the use of the following WASH infrastructure and WASH-related services by camp residents: Private WASH infrastructure Communal sewage interceptor tank damage Water supply Waste water and solid waste disposal Repair & maintenance
Participating organizations: REACH
Created 1 month ago
WASH Infrastructure & Services Assessment in Zaatari Camp
Date of Entry: 15/10/2017 Status: Published
The primary objective of this assessment was to evaluate the impact of this wastewater management project as well as general WASH practices in the camp in order to inform future programming. More specifically, the assessment focused on the use of the following WASH infrastructure and WASH-related services by camp residents: Private WASH infrastructure Communal sewage interceptor tank damage Water supply Waste water and solid waste disposal Repair & maintenance
Participating organizations: REACH
Created 1 month ago
WASH Infrastructure & Services Assessment in Zaatari Camp
Date of Entry: 15/10/2017 Status: Published
The primary objective of this assessment was to evaluate the impact of this wastewater management project as well as general WASH practices in the camp in order to inform future programming. More specifically, the assessment focused on the use of the following WASH infrastructure and WASH-related services by camp residents: Private WASH infrastructure Communal sewage interceptor tank damage Water supply Waste water and solid waste disposal Repair & maintenance
Participating organizations: REACH
Created 1 month ago
WASH Infrastructure & Services Assessment in Zaatari Camp
Date of Entry: 15/10/2017 Status: Published
The primary objective of this assessment was to evaluate the impact of this wastewater management project as well as general WASH practices in the camp in order to inform future programming. More specifically, the assessment focused on the use of the following WASH infrastructure and WASH-related services by camp residents: Private WASH infrastructure Communal sewage interceptor tank damage Water supply Waste water and solid waste disposal Repair & maintenance
Participating organizations: REACH
Created 1 month ago
WASH Infrastructure & Services Assessment in Zaatari Camp
Date of Entry: 15/10/2017 Status: Published
The primary objective of this assessment was to evaluate the impact of this wastewater management project as well as general WASH practices in the camp in order to inform future programming. More specifically, the assessment focused on the use of the following WASH infrastructure and WASH-related services by camp residents: Private WASH infrastructure Communal sewage interceptor tank damage Water supply Waste water and solid waste disposal Repair & maintenance
Participating organizations: REACH
Created 1 month ago
CFW Assessment 2016
Date of Entry: 21/08/2017 Status: Data collection finished
Primary Objective:  Assess the extent to which agencies engaged in CfW programming are compliant with UNHCR and BNLWG standard operating procedures and guidelines in the following areas: o Eligibility for CfW employment o CfW position skills level classification o CfW position rotation o CfW recruitment process o CfW inclusion e.g. % CFW positions for vulnerable groups, gender parity o CfW feedback and complaint mechanism provision and accessibility Secondary Objectives:  Assess the implementation of health and safety measures and training in places of CfW engagement  Assess priority expenditures of CfW cash assistance  Assess awareness and perceived adequacy of CfW feedback and complaint mechanisms  Assess the extent to which individuals are aware of the CfW SOPs in place  Identify trends in CfW SOP compliance since December 2015
Participating organizations: UNHCR Jordan, ACTED , IMC Jordan, REACH , NRC Jordan, SAVE International
Created 3 months ago
Zaatari Camp Shelter Assessment
Date of Entry: 07/06/2017 Status: Data collection finished
A. To understand, document and analyze the existing refugee-led informal system and economy for household shelter repairs, modifications and personalization in Zaatari. B. To determine the remaining lifespan of the current shelters, taking into consideration these refugee practices for maintenance/expansion and their level of sustainability over time. C. To understand the level of prioritization that refugees give to their shelters in terms of transformation and maintenance.
Participating organizations: UNHCR Jordan
Created 5 months ago
Syrian Artisans and Cultural Heritage in Azraq Camp
Date of Entry: 07/05/2017 Status: Planned
In the intention to extend its scope of work and expertise in crafts production and cultural heritage to Jordan, Turquoise Mountain has been conducting research to identify and map Syrian artisans and actors related to craftsmanship in urban areas (in and around Amman). Realizing the potentials located in Azraq camp (in terms of refugee expertise, livelihood & skills development programs, and engaged organizations), this research aims to identify the possibilities, give recommendations and find linkages between artisans in urban areas, and in camps. The research is to map and assess these potentials and risks related to the production of Syrian crafts, and develop a well-informed business that links between the different resources, actors, and the needs of the markets. In operational terms, the research in Azraq camp aims to: ● identify the Syrian artisans; ● assess their skills and levels of expertise within their fields of profession; ● and to generate an understanding of the perception of Syrian heritage in the camp while assessing the potential format of a heritage-based educational project connected to the crafts production
Participating organizations: turquoisemountain
Created 6 months ago
Health Access and Utilization Survey- (Others) Non Iraqis Non Syrian Refugees 2016
Date of Entry: 13/04/2017 Status: Published
Participating organizations: UNHCR
Created 7 months ago
Health Access and Utilization Survey- Syrian Refugees 2016
Date of Entry: 13/04/2017 Status: Published
Participating organizations: UNHCR
Created 7 months ago
Health Access and Utilization Survey- Iraqis Refugees 2016
Date of Entry: 13/04/2017 Status: Published
Participating organizations: UNHCR
Created 7 months ago
Challenges and coping strategies of non-camp Syrian refugees in Jordan and impact on vulnerable host communities, seven years into the Syria Crisis
Date of Entry: 12/02/2017 Status: Published , 20 Jun 2017
The primary purpose of this assessment is to better understand the current needs and capacities of Urban Syrian Refugees and Jordanian Host Communities, and the trends and changes over time “by comparison with data from previous CARE Urban assessments”; in order to identify gaps, and provide recommendations for future programming and informing CARE’s advocacy efforts. This year and similar to previous years, CARE aims to publish and share the findings of its sixth annual urban assessment report with different stakeholders from donors’ community, government and key counterpart organizations. This unique baseline has been carried out by CARE since 2012, and due to its multi-sectoral and comprehensive nature; this assessment has effectively and widely contributed to enhancing the knowledge about refugee and local communities; thus improving the planning processes for having a well-established needs-based programs. Specifically, the objectives of this assessment are as follows: • To identify needs, individual capacities and contextual factors related to daily life and livelihoods, education, protection and psychosocial requirements for urban Syrian refugee women, men, girls and boys; and vulnerable Jordanian host community • To identify trends and changes over time by comparing the current data with previous CARE urban assessments and other studies; • To analyze the specific needs of women and girls across communities and changes in gender roles during displacement; • To highlight the main coping strategies of Syrian and Jordanian women, their specific issues especially as a female-headed household, any issues related to stereotyping and social norms, and to analyze their future aspirations for themselves and their families. • To review and analyze the needs of young girls and boys, their education situation, their engagement in labour market, and any threat they might face in getting engaged in early or forced marriage; • To assess inter-community relations and the ability of the host community to maintain acceptance and support for refugees, potential issues in community relations and the potential to mitigate these; • To identify gaps in needs, capacities, and available services/ forms of assistance, and to provide recommendations for future immediate, medium term and long term programming; and • To inform CARE’s advocacy efforts, and identify potential positive change strategies.
Participating organizations: CARE Jordan
Created 9 months ago
Research Project Proposal Application-Oral Health Survey of Child Refugees
Date of Entry: 08/01/2017 Status: Data collection finished
The general purpose of this study is: 1. to characterize refugee child oral health and malocclusion status, 2. to understand the influence of refugee mothers oral health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors associated with child oral health outcomes, and 3. to evaluate pediatric oral health quality of life measures associated with related oral health status - among child refugees under age 18 and related mothers within the Zaatari refugee camp.
Participating organizations: UNHCR
Created 10 months ago
Protected rather than protracted - Strengthening refugees and peace
Date of Entry: 09/11/2016 Status: Data collection finished
This research project intends to investigate how persons under conditions of protracted displacement can be supported in their host communities. The study focuses on long-term livelihood opportunities and, particularly, on employment perspectives for both displaced persons and host communities. Insights on best practices and lessons learned will be drawn from previous experiences of refugees staying in Jordan over a long period of time. Hence, the research looks into earlier experiences of different refugee groups (Syrians, Palestinians and Iraqis) and the relationships between them and the host communities. The research will be conducted mostly on the municipal level and includes refugees, local communities, decision-makers, experts and representatives of national and international organizations. The findings from Jordan, in a first step, will be presented in a working paper and a policy brief, and in a next step compared with field research findings in other world regions. BICC deals with a wide range of global topics in the field of peace and conflict research centring on the challenges of organized violence. These topics range from the (de-)mobilization of violent actors, arms exports and small arms control to the importance of organized violence in global migration flows and the use of natural resources. With applied and transdisciplinary research, the Center offers technical and policy advice and contributes to public debates. At the same time, its practical experience and the interaction with various different experts offer opportunities for further academic research, creating a unique ‘knowledge circle.’ BICC is a non-university think tank with international staff. It was founded in 1994 at the initiative of the then state premier of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) Johannes Rau and the then secretary-general Kofi Annan with the support of the state of NRW.
Participating organizations: BICC
Created 1 year ago
Interagency Nutrition Survey Amongst Syrian Refugees in Jordan Sept. – Oct. 2016
Date of Entry: 28/09/2016 Status: Published , 01 Jan 1970
An interagency survey that is looking at the nutrition and health status of people who came from Syria in Zaatari camp
Participating organizations: UNHCR, UNICEF - Jordan , WFP, IRD, SAVE Jordan
Created 1 year ago
Healthy Housing for Refugees in Extreme Climates
Date of Entry: 28/09/2016 Status: Data collection started
The long-term aim of this project is to improve living conditions in refugee camps through the creation of low-cost, easy to construct housing that moderates extremes of temperature while providing space that enables dignified living, and customary domestic and intra-community relations. The immediate aims of this eight-month project are to: • Obtain a clear understanding of the thermal and social conditions in two refugee camps in Jordan and the ways that these are mediated by current shelter provision. • Develop detailed knowledge of the opportunities and constraints for alternative housing in light of local ecological, political and economic conditions. • Produce at least three possible design solutions. • Model the designs in light of thermal conditions revealed through the fieldwork in Jordan.
Created 1 year ago
Date of Entry: 28/09/2016 Status: Data collection finished
The qualitative study accompanies a quantitative survey on Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The objective of the qualitative component is to understand how the Syrian community is adapting to their difficult circumstances, specifically around issues of housing, income generation, safety, household gender dynamics, and migration choices.
Participating organizations: World Bank
Created 1 year ago
Winterization Rapid Assessment in Zaatari Camp - August 2016
Date of Entry: 28/09/2016 Status: Published , 28 Sep 2016
As for September 2016, Zaatari camp currently hosts 79,074 registered Syrian refugees* Given the modest camp infrastructure, severe winter weather can result in flooding, blocked roads, and shelter damage. To mitigate the harmful impacts of severe weather, UNHCR and camp partners implement a multi-sector Winter Contingency Response Plan between November and February each year In order to guide winterization assistance and services provided to camp residents, the plan includes an annual Winterization Rapid Assessment Key objective of the 2016 assessment is to identify priority winter needs for families in the camp across multiple areas: - Cash and non-food item (NFI) assistance distributions - Food access and availability - WASH access - Shelter repair & maintenance needs
Participating organizations: REACH , UNHCR
Created 1 year ago
Youth Assessment Zaatari, Azraq, AND EJC CAMPS
Date of Entry: 28/09/2016 Status: Planned
Syrian refugee camps in Jordan host a relatively high youth population. As such, after four years of camp presences, there has been a variety of targeted programming provided to this demographic. Now entering the sixth year of this protracted crisis, the need for a comprehensive assessment of the sustainability of youth programming that encompasses both youth experiences, as well as programmatic impact, has been identified. Specifically, there is a lack of information regarding the extent to which youth benefit from these programmes, and are able to utilize skills learnt and engage in income-earning opportunities. This information gap corresponds with an increasing focus on Syrian youth issues within the humanitarian response, such as in Protection and Education sectors, as well as the need to focus on programme quality, relevance and sustainability.
Participating organizations: REACH
Created 1 year ago
The Psychological Impacts of Forced Migration into Refugee Camps and the Mitigating Impacts of Reintegration into Non-Camp Communities on Children
Date of Entry: 30/08/2016 Status: Data collection finished
To study the long-term psychological impacts of living in refugee camps on the social, emotional, and cognitive development of children between the ages of five and twelve To study whether integration from refugee camps into non-camp communities mitigates these psychological impacts
Created 1 year ago
Assessment of Shelter accessibility in Zaatari camp
Date of Entry: 28/08/2016 Status: Data collection finished
The aim of this project is to make accessible the shelter of people with functional limitation in Zaatari Camp. This project is led by UNHCR with the involvement of IRD Case Managers for the identification of the beneficiaries and NRC Engineers for the shelter modifications. Handicap International (HI) is in charge to support technically this project by providing a technical assessment, train the people involved and plan a follow-up visit to supervise the shelter modifications.
Participating organizations: HI Jordan
Created 1 year ago
Regional Economic Opportunity Assessment
Date of Entry: 15/08/2016 Status: Data collection started
+++ NOTE THAT WHILE FIELDWORK ENDS ON 18 AUGUST, WE VALUE INPUT AFTER THIS DATE +++ Contact: OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the assessment is to explore how host nation governments, the international community, and the private sector, both domestic and global, can support job creationism for both Syrian refugees and their host communities. It is designed to support governments in the region most impacted by the Syrian crisis, with recommendations, identification of best practices and other evidence to increase the employability of the Syrians and vulnerable members of host communities. Moreover, the assessment will explore employment needs, market demands and economic opportunities in Syria to address the high unemployment rate (57%), displacement (more than of the Syrian population is displaced) and poverty (86%). The crisis in Syria has led to devastating socio-economic conditions and reversed all development gains achieved before 2011. Both displaced and host communities are struggling to maintain a decent living condition requiring immediate support to build their resilience, invest in their resources and capitals and sustain their economic institutions. The assessment is designed to build on existing bodies of research, acknowledging the national specificities and the differentiated response to the commitments in the London Declaration. It will include a series of coordinated actions aiming at (a) identifying critical gaps in terms of employment opportunities; (b) rallying existing and potential partnership at regional level to rapidly scale up employment generation; and, (c) reinforcing advocacy for enhanced investment at the country and regional levels. The results of this process will bring valuable inputs for country partners, donors and regional bodies engaged in the promotion of job creation in participating countries. It will include recommendations to improve access to employment in order to alleviate the pressure posed by the crisis on national governments and local service providers. This would in turn contribute to increasing the resilience of host communities. PURPOSE The assessment will build on existing research while also presenting recommendations for livelihood programming, based on wide consultation with national authorities, the private sector and key partners within the humanitarian/development community. The assessment of the livelihoods and economic opportunities is undertaken with a view to providing the basis to scale-up investments in livelihoods and economic opportunities with the analysis of demands (sector-based analysis of human resource and skills needs) and supplies (availability of human resources with skills of both Syrians and non-Syrians) of different sectors in the labour market as well as potentials of self-employment creation through MSMEs development and growth. It is consistent but not limited to WFP Vision 2020; UNDP’s 3x6 Regional Initiative; and ILO’s Employment Intensive Investment Programmes (EIIPs) as well as other tools such as Start Your Business, value chain development, Making Markets work for the poor, joint business ventures between Syrians and host communities; and other UN, bilateral and multilateral partners contributing to the 1.1 million livelihoods and economic opportunities target that emerged from the London Conference. Coordination with other relevant UN and non-UN agencies will be critical for the success of the exercise. The assessment will aim at strengthening the involvement of the private sector in humanitarian and development response as well as competitiveness of selected economic sectors with high Syrian refugee and displaced influx, leading to higher possibilities for employment both inside and outside Syria, with the corresponding linkages. As such, it will aim at identifying the entry points to engage the private sector companies which already operate in Syria and its neighboring countries as well as to attract the foreign investments in particular by the European-based companies, which are not yet present in the region. The assessment will also define priority action points to leverage issues such as partnership with Syrian businesses inside and outside Syria, and involvement of the Syrian workforce and Syrian businesses, latent or active in host communities as appropriate, and reduction of dependency on humanitarian aid through sustainable livelihood creation. The assessment will aim at providing the age and gender specific analysis to lead to the practical recommendations of interventions for young men and women, women and men.
Participating organizations: UNDP, ILO, WFP
Created 1 year ago
Study on how can social protection can be used to support refugees in Jordan.
Date of Entry: 11/08/2016 Status: Published
Update 15/02/17: report, briefing paper and mapping of social protection and humanitarian assistance programmes available to download at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The overall objective is to understand how social protection can be used to support refugees in achieving developmental outcomes. This will be done by looking at whether participation in the UNHCR cash transfer programme enables refugees to access basic services and work. NB: as of 11/08/16 we are requesting approval with the Ministry of Planning and are awaiting the result of this.
Participating organizations: ODI
Created 1 year ago
Syrian Refugee Livelihoods in Jordan and Turkey
Date of Entry: 28/07/2016 Status: Data collection started
This study aims to identify the opportunities and challenges to better support refugee livelihoods in protracted displacement through in a first phase identifying the goals, strategies refugees have throughout their displacement and the institutions, networks and individuals that shape their livelihoods; and in a second phase better understanding the roles, function, perspectives and interactions of these different entities making up the institutional landscape of refugees. The first phase of research focuses on interviews refugees and gathering their perspectives. The second phase of research focuses on interviewing the members of refugees' institutional landscape and gathering their perspectives.
Participating organizations: ODI
Created 1 year ago


Published 234
Data collection started 32
Planned 25
Data collection finished 25
Health 89
Protection 71
Water & Sanitation 70
Education 67
Shelter 66
Food Security 51
Cash Assistance 47
Nutrition 37
Livelihood 37
Core Relief Items (CRIs) 26
Gender-Based Violence 23
Child Protection 19
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support 17
Community Services 14
Reproductive Health 12
Agriculture 5
Camp Management 3
Registration 3
Information Management 3
Environment 2
Transportation 2
Coordination 2
Telecom 1
UNHCR Jordan 37
UNICEF - Jordan 36
REACH-Initiative 29
CARE Jordan 14
IMC Jordan 12
UNHCR Lebanon 12
WFP Jordan 11
UNFPA Jordan 11
IRC Jordan 8
Oxfam - Jordan 7
MoH Jordan 7
NRC Lebanon 5
OXFAM Lebanon 5
IRD Jordan 4
PU-AMI Jordan 4
UNICEF Lebanon 4
SAVE International 4
World Bank 4
SFCG Lebanon 4
Solidarites International Lebanon 4
EU 4
WHO Jordan 3
JHAS Jordan 3
MC Jordan 3
CHF Jordan 3
Welfare Association Lebanon 3
IFRC Jordan 3
TdH - It 2
AMEL Lebanon 2
HI Jordan 2
HI Lebanon 2
UNFPA Lebanon 2
CLMC Lebanon 2
UNESCO Jordan 2
CISP - Lebanon 2
SAVE Lebanon 2
MoE Jordan 2
DRC Lebanon 2
SAVE Jordan 2
ACF - Jordan 2
Swiss Soldier 1
FAO-Lebanon 1
IOM Lebanon 1
NRC Jordan 1
FPSC - Jordan 1
AVSI Lebanon 1
Global Communities 1
turquoisemountain 1
IRC Lebanon 1
JRS Jordan 1
CARITAS Jordan 1
REACH-Initiative 1
HAI Lebanon 1
MdM Lebanon 1
Heartland Lebanon 1
War Child UK 1
HWA Lebanon 1
RI 1
HRF Jordan 1
MC Lebanon 1
DRC- Jordan 1
International Alert 1
ABAAD Lebanon 1
ICMC Jordan 1
MSL Lebanon 1
WFP Lebanon 1
Syrian Urban / Rural Population 140
Syrian Population in Camp 113
Host Communities 84
Displaced - Refugees and Asylum Seekers 43
Non-Displaced - Hosts 20
Other Refugee Urban / Rural Population 18
Displaced - Others of Concern 9
Non-Displaced - Non-Hosts 9
Displaced - IDPs 6
Individual accomodation (not hosted) 47
Planned camps or settlements 38
Self-settled camps/Informal tented settlements 31
Privately hosted 27
Collective centres 18
Reception / Transit centres 3
Household 68
Individual 59
Community 31
Other 10
Facility (e.g. school, hospital) 7
Focus Group Discussion 101
Individual key informant interviews 87
Household key informant interviews 60
Secondary Data Review 53
Direct Observation 48
Community Key informant 43
Other 16
Random 234
Snowball 32
Purposive 25
Stratified 25
Jordan 168
Lebanon 75
Iraq 4
Turkey 3
Regional 2
Syrian Arab Republic 2
Egypt 1
Mafraq Governorate 112
Irbid Governorate 67
Zarqa Governorate 44
Ajlun Governorate 35
Amman Governorate 34
Jarash Governorate 29
North Lebanon 28
South Lebanon 28
Balqa Governorate 27
Bekaa 25
Beirut 18
Mount Lebanon 17
Karak Govenorate 15
Jordan 14
Madaba Governorate 14
Maan Governorate 11
Aqaba Governorate 8
Tafilah Govenorate 8
Refugee Camp in Jordan 5
Lebanon 4
Ninewa 1
Refugees Dispersed in Iraq 1
Turkey 1
Mafraq 76
Zaatari Refugee Camp 33
Beirut 16
Irbid 16
Jordan 13
Zarqa 13
El Minieh-Dennie 11
Tripoli 11
Balqa 10
Amman 10
Ajloun 9
Kesrwane 8
Sour 8
El Koura 7
Saida 7
West Bekaa 6
Zahle 6
El Batroun 6
Jarash 6
Marjaayoun 5
Rachaya 5
Azraq Camp 5
Baabda 5
Jezzine 5
Bcharreh 4
Karak 4
Lebanon 4
Zgharta 4
Chouf 4
Akkar 4
Baalbek 4
Aley 3
Hasbaiya 3
Bekaa 2
Madaba 2
Jbeil 2
Urban Refugees 1
Bent Jbayl 1
Maan 1
El Hermel 1
Mount Lebanon 1
Ninewa Non-Camp Refugees 1
El Meten 1
North Lebanon 1
Refugees Dispersed in Iraq 1
Created By
HQ Admin 156
REACH Jordan 19
Wisam Al-Hasanat 8
Omar Dihmis 8
Kaleem ur Rehman 7
Nidal Almasadh 5
Aqsa Durrani 4
Joshua KIRTON 3
Firas Saleh Mahmoud 3
Volker Schimmel 2
Barbara Niklas 2
Melanie Megevand 2
Debora Di Dio 2
lib.ame 2
MEAL.coo 2
Morgane Ortmans 2
Colette Le Jeune 1
seregni 1
v.barbelet 1
c.laing 1
MarietaFitzcharles 1
Moritz Poll 1
caritasjordan 1
Laura Gerken 1
Edgar LUCE 1
rahal 1 1
mousallem 1
Ikram 1
Ayham Dalal 1
Maha Kattaa 1
Muhammad Rafiq Khan 1
donnat 1
Hamida Jahamah 1
Habib ur Rehman 1
Wajahat Ali 1
Maya Perlmann 1
Erin Bishop 1
peters 1

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