

A model terms of reference for an assessment coordinator to be adapted
An expanded ToRs RIMWG to include specific needs assessment tasks to be adapted
An offline assessment registry to register available assessment reports to improve coordination amongst partners. If available and appropriate, use online versions (hr.info or data portal) instead.


Template to outline needs assessment details such as purpose, scope and methodology.
Template for establishing an analytical framework including a detailed analysis plan for guiding secondary and primary data collation and collection.
The NARE is principally designed to assist UNHCR operations with initial multi-sectoral needs assessments when there has been a significant sudden forced displacement of populations across borders. The NARE checklist highlights information that is derived from pre-crisis and post crisis secondary data analysis, before primary data begins.
Provides a structured approach to the NARE through a pre-establsihed analytical framework (to be adapted). This tool can take the place of the analysis plan or be used as a consolidating template for multiple analysis plans being used in one operation.
Template for a stand-alone analysis plan to guide data collation and collection for individual assessment exercises.
A tool supporting prioritisation process (outlined in guidance for Analytical Framework)


A reporting template for an initial situation analysis providing a common operational picture.
A reporting template for an in-depth desk review consolidating secondary data providing an analysis and a basis for further primary data collection.
This tool has been developed by the Child Protection Working Group as a guide and generic template for development of a desk review.

Data collection

A model Terms of Reference for for field data collectors to be adapted
A model Terms of Reference for for team leader for data collection to be adapted
A template supporting contractual arrangement with a CoC for data collectors.

Sector / Situation Specific Standardized tool

A practical, specific ‘how-to’ guide on the participatory assessment process with adolescents and children
A method for assessing perceived needs in representative samples of populations affected by large-scale humanitarian emergencies.
Provides guidance for understanding the nutritional situation of refugees and assists in identifying response strategies
Guidance and tools on how to undertake a joint education needs assessment in an emergency.
A livelihoods-based framework designed to assess and analyse the inside workings of household economies.
Provides a checklist for assessment of the situation of the environment ad assists decision-makers in prioritizing activities and planning in relation to environmental impacts
Provides guidance and tools for a Rapid Protection Assessment (RPA) during the first two to three weeks of an emergency
Outlines a series of steps to follow for conducting a participatory assessment with refugees or other persons of concern to ensure that women and men of all ages and backgrounds are given the opportunity to identify and voice their own protection risks, priorities, and solutions.
The MIRA is an inter-agency process enabling actors to reach, from the outset, a common understanding of the situation and its likely evolution for joint response planning and resource mobilisation.
Comprises of a series of jointly implemented activities include secondary data collection and review, primary data collection through in-depth assessments and field visits (missions), analysis of data and development of recommendations, reporting, and the development of a Joint Plan of Action (JPA).
Outlines actions to assess how to enhance communication with an damong affected communities.
Enhances UNHCR's effectiveness in identifying refugees at risk by linking community-based / participatory assessments with individual assessment methodologies.
This guide contains samples of GBV Assessment tools that have been developed, used, and revised in field sites over time. At present, there is no single assessment tool that is most recommended for humanitarian settings.
The CPRA Toolkit provides all the information you need to conduct a CPRA over a five-week timeframe including guidelines, sample tools and data management tool

Situation monitoring

Web application that combines streams of information informed by sector specific tools


Viualises and simplifies the steps of analysis


Supports the development of a dissemination plan with a guiding template.
Template, to be adapted, that support the drafting of a final assessment report to ensure key sections and topics are covered