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Number of results: 83

  • World Vision refurbishes birth and death registry in Upper East

    news Ghanaweb, 30 Oct 2017 (1 month ago )
    World Vision International in Ghana (WVG), in collaboration with the United Nations Children Fund, (UNICEF), has refurbished the Upper East Regional Births and Deaths Registry, with automated equipment and office furniture to attain full registration coverage of infants. The new registry will no...
  • Ghana’s automated birth registration programme commended

    news newsghana, 19 Jul 2017 (5 months ago )
    Participants at the just ended National Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability conference in Accra have lauded Ghana’s automated birth registration programme, an initiative between Tigo, UNICEF and the Ghana Births and Deaths Registry. Making a presentation to conference participants drawn f...
  • Birth registration now at the doorstep of Nigerians

    news GITMASTER, 18 Jul 2017 (5 months ago )
    hen the United Nations Children Fund, UNICEF in collaboration with the Bauchi state government and the National Population Commission, NPC, flagged off the massive birth registration campaign of children under the age of five years in the state, residents of communities heaved a sigh of relief that ...
  • Children U-5 to get birth certificates in Bauchi‎

    news Daily Trust, 12 Jul 2017 (5 months ago )
    The ongoing under five children registration exercise across the 20 local government areas of Bauchi State is recording a high turnout.‎ Bauchi State‎ state government, the European Union (EU) in collaboration with the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and the National Population Commission (...
  • Sierra Leone Enshrines Equal Right of Women to Pass Nationality to Children

    news global campagne for equal nationality right, 06 Jul 2017 (5 months ago )
    The Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights joyfully welcomes the passage of Sierra Leone’s amended Citizenship Act, which now guarantees women and men the equal right to confer nationality on children. With this critical reform, only 25 countries remain worldwide that deny women the ability to...
  • Deputy UN chief highlights stronger AU-UN partnership to benefit Africa's youth

    news UN News Centre, 03 Jul 2017 (5 months ago )
    3 July 2017 – Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed today called for strengthening the relationship between the African Union (AU) and the United Nations to deliver on promised development for Africa's youth. Addressing her first African Union Summit since taking office, Ms. Mohammed said that ...
  • Statelessness: Over 40m children are unregistered in West Africa —UNICEF

    news Nigerian Tribune, 11 May 2017 (7 months ago )
    Ms Marie-Pierre Poirier, Regional Director, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), says about 40 million children under five are unregistered in the West African region Poirier made this known in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Tuesday in Banjul at the end of the Ministerial...
  • L'Afrique de l'Ouest adopte un plan pour en finir avec l'apatridie

    news RFI, 10 May 2017 (7 months ago )
    Par RFI La lutte contre l'apatridie a fait un pas de plus mardi 9 mai en Afrique de l'Ouest. Un sommet réunissait à Banjul le Haut-commissariat aux réfugiés (HCR), aussi en charge de l'apatridie, et les Etats de la Cédéao. Après la déclaration d'Abidjan en 2015, un plan d'action a été signé par le...
  • Apatridie: l'Afrique de l'Ouest première région à adopter un plan d'éradication

    news Afrique Expansion, 10 May 2017 (7 months ago )
    La Communauté économique des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Cédéao) est devenue officiellement mardi la première organisation régionale à adopter un plan d'élimination de l'apatridie, lors d'une conférence ministérielle à Banjul, la capitale gambienne. Le Haut commissariat de l'ONU pour les réfugiés...
  • La CEDEAO contre l'apatridie

    news BBC, 10 May 2017 (7 months ago )
    L'Organisation sous régionale a ébauché un plan visant à permettre aux milliers de personnes sans papiers et sans nationalité reconnue de pouvoir exister officiellement. Selon un spécialiste, en Afrique de l'Ouest, l'apatridie, due à une législation restrictive en matière de transmission de nationa...