Diffa refugees feature on CNN alongside UNHCR’s partner, the International Rescue Committee

All that 14-year-old Bintou and her little sister Ma'ou, 12, have of their former life in Nigeria are tattered photos of their parents.
Bintou curls up and buries her face, her shoulders shuddering with each silent sob. Ma'ou seems to have utterly internalized her pain, and speaks in a numb monotone.
They tell us they want to go back to Maiduguri, but for now they can’t. They are orphans – their mother died of natural causes before they can remember, and their father was killed in a Boko Haram attack about five months ago. We find them living with their aunt on a small plot in Diffa, Niger, uncertain about a future they are now forced to navigate alone.

“She [Bintou] can’t understand how this could have happened,” the IRC’s Mohammed Watakane, explains. “She is a victim going through a psychological trauma, she needs protection.” The only thing I could think in that moment was ‘survive.’ Woman who fled Boko Haram attack.

Source :http://edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/world/2014/06/09/pkg-damon-nigeria-orphan-boko-horam.cnn.html