This sanitary survey form can be used to monitor and evaluate the condition of communal and public toilet blocks in a refugee setting. The main purpose of this tool is to rapidly identify public health and protection related risks. The tool can also be used in the medium term to monitor trends in the condition of toilet infrastructure.
This is the standard UNHCR borehole drilling log and pump test template available in PDF and MSWord formats. WASH actors should ensure that a drilling log, development log, constant discharge pump test, and step drawdown pump test are completed for every borehole installed. Copies should be kept by the drilling agency, the WASH actor, national regulatory authorities, and UNHCR.
This document provides an overview of the design of the water system in Batil Refugee Camp, S. Sudan.
The UNHCR WASH Manual is a comprehensive and authoritative reference document for WASH interventions in refugee settings, built upon the experience of UNHCR and WASH organisations.
Tags: Bloody Diarrhoea, Communicable Disease Control, Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), Desludging and Excreta Transportation, Excreta / Urine ReUse, Excreta Composting, Hygiene Behaviour Change, Landfill Management, Malaria, Medical Waste Management, Menstruation Hygiene Management, Public Health, Sewerage and Excreta Conveyance, Waste Recycling , Reuse and Reduction, Water Prospection and Investigation, Water Pumping, Water Safety Plans, and Watery Diarrhoea.
This document provides a snapshot of WASH service provision in Azraq Refugee Camp undertaken on the 15th – 16th February 2015. The document document provides an overview of the conditions in 912 WASH blocks with a focus on structural integrity, safety, access, and cleanliness.
Locations: Jordan and Middle East. Organisations: REACH. DatabaseDocTypes: WASH Monitoring Reports. Categories: WASH Maps.