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UNHCR Innovation
We innovate with and for refugees.
UNHCR Innovation 46m
From our Year in Review 2017: For UNHCR to become increasingly data-driven, we need a cultural change around data rather than simply to say that, ‘data is important’. Because that we already knew.
UNHCR Innovation 6h
Keen not to jump blindly on the ‘no-labs bandwagon’, we wanted to establish what other modalities could work instead of the now beleaguered lab. This is what we learned:
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Chris Earney Jan 3
2017 was another great year for We killed our labs, refocused on behavioural change, and what the future looks like for UNHCR - incl. predictive analytics:
UNHCR Innovation 9h
A framework for understanding the roles you can play in a movement for social change.
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Annie Neimand Jan 3
"We can spend ages on brainstorming good (or bad) ideas, but w/out testing them, they're just concepts w/out evidence to prove that they would work. So, the question to ask is not “what’s your idea?” but 'how have you tried to test it?'" -
UNHCR Innovation 15h
From our new Year in Review 2017: Our Innovation Labs are dead. Long live innovation!
UNHCR Innovation 23h
UNHCR's Innovation Fellows discuss the biggest misconceptions around innovation:
UNHCR Innovation Jan 3
From research to organisational change, and experiments, take a look back at what UNHCR’s Innovation Service was up to in 2017. Download the entire publication here:
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Gisella Lomax 🌍 Jan 3
A small nudge team less interested in drones and more in better decision-making - in 2018 ⤵️ 🔹 focus on behaviour and mindset change 🔹 refugee voices + experimentation at the core 🔹 more data driven 🔹 no more innovation labs
UNHCR Innovation Jan 3
Our Year in Review: Whilst tech continued to advance, we refocused our efforts to the future. Experimentation, research, and refugee voices were central to the new direction. We also killed our Innovation Labs. Discover more in our new report:
UNHCR Innovation Jan 3
It’s not a matter of cookie-cutter replicating approaches or solutions for different contexts, but being rigorous, starting small and giving things a crack to see what works.
UNHCR Innovation Jan 2
While there is a responsibility on the organisation to ensure that we have the right processes and policies in place, this behaviour change must also begin at the individual level.
UNHCR Innovation Jan 2
Thoughts on why without methods to gauge success and failure, humanitarian tech may do more harm than good.
UNHCR Innovation Jan 2
Two of the year's trendiest niche ideas, basic income and bitcoin, have finally crossed paths.
UNHCR Innovation Jan 1
Rethinking what empowering women means in UNHCR:
UNHCR Innovation Jan 1
"Ultimately the shift from labs to movements may lead to empowerment of existing or new initiatives."
UNHCR Innovation Jan 1
We know that grand designs, while put together with the best intentions, are often the ones that hit the icebergs. Here's how to get started on designing the right solutions for the right context:
UNHCR Innovation Dec 30
Our top ten list of considerations before you launch an system to communicate with communities:
UNHCR Innovation Dec 29
As a leader, seek diversity on your team. Build a culture in which you and others feel free to acknowledge not only what you know but also what you do not know.
UNHCR Innovation Dec 29
Listening and talking to communities is a fundamental part of humanitarian response, including UNHCR and its partners’ work. Here is our practical guide on :
UNHCR Innovation Dec 29
2017 may have been a rough year, but there were plenty of inventions, innovations, and gadgets that made the world just a slightly better place. Here is 's 2017 roundup:
UNHCR Innovation Dec 28
Audacious social change is incredibly challenging. Yet history shows that it can succeed. Unfortunately, success never results from a single grant or silver bullet.
UNHCR Innovation Dec 28
Use of digital currencies is growing rapidly, but how fast philanthropy changes and adapts to this new dynamic is really a matter of trust.
UNHCR Innovation Dec 28
"In reality, there are few choices in an emergency – you have to learn to adapt to the context and be as efficient as possible."
UNHCR Innovation Dec 27
Without the tools or frameworks to evaluate the credibility of new technologies, it’s hard for humanitarians to know whether they’re having the intended impact.
UNHCR Innovation Dec 27
Hear from an inspiring refugee who started a website to help other young people tell their own stories:
UNHCR Innovation Dec 27
Interested in humanitarian innovation but don't know where to start? Explore our resources, glossary, and more here:
UNHCR Innovation Dec 22
Whichever side of the fence you might be on, there remains an opportunity in seeing how artificial intelligence can operate in place of a human to undertake certain simple tasks.
UNHCR Innovation Dec 22
“The real crisis right now is that the media and politicians are focusing only on negative examples.”
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Mattias Wikman Dec 19
Good short on the innovation process from .