Brothers run again and again as Boko Haram terror spreads

Brothers Bala (left) and Mahamadou narrowly escaped attacks by Boko Haram. © UNHCR/Helene Caux

Diffa, Niger – Bala never imagined he would have to step over dead bodies to save his life. His brother Mahamadou never thought he would have to hide beneath them to save his.

“They were killing children in the streets. They were shooting at pregnant women,” says Bala, 50, remembering how Boko Haram tore through his town, in northern Nigeria.

“Everyone was terrified, running in any direction. It was chaos. People were being killed in front of me. They were collapsing in front of me. I panicked and I recall stepping over several dead bodies to escape. Bullets were flying around me.”

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