South Sudan
Operation: South Sudan
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2018 planning | |
90% | of refugee children with acute malnutrition will be supported |
85% | of refugee households will receive durable shelters |
80% | of school age refugee children will be enrolled in primary education |
80% | of households will have an individual latrine |
44,400 | vulnerable IDP households will receive core-relief items |
11,750 | displaced people with specific needs will receive support |
2016 end-year results | |
350,000 | IDPs were reached through protection interventions |
272,000 | IDPs with specific vulnerabilities were assisted with core relief items and emergency shelters |
41,000 | refugee children enrolled in primary school |
31,000 | refugees received livelihood kits |
15,000 | refugee ID cards were issued |
11,000 | new refugee arrivals were registered and assisted with core relief items and shelters |
1 | new camp in Pamir was established with a capacity of 20,000 to accommodate new arrivals and relocate refugees in Parieng |
Latest Updates and Related Links
Last Updated 12 December 2017
People of Concern
Increase in
2016 | 2,870,538 |
2015 | 2,054,441 |
2014 | 2,093,729 |

[["Refugees",262560],["Asylum-seekers",1792],["IDPs",1853924],["Returned IDPs",752261],["Returned refugees",1]]
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South Sudan
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- 2014
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
Year-end Overview
Plan Overview
Working environment
As of mid-2017, South Sudan hosts 276,900 Sudanese refugees and some 2 million South Sudanese are internally displaced within the country. By end of 2017, there will be some 283,600 Sudanese refugees with an annual increase of 20,000 due to anticipated Sudanese refugee inflow into Unity and Upper Nile States and natural population growth.
In 2018, the operational environment in South Sudan will remain unpredictable, complex and fluid, caused by continuing economic difficulties, instability and conflict. The humanitarian situation will continue to deteriorate, resulting in an increased number of people in need of assistance. The limited infrastructure and security challenges further complicate the delivery of humanitarian assistance, in particular to the most remote locations. Despite these challenges, South Sudan maintains an open door policy for refugees.
Competition over natural resources could potentially escalate into tensions in 2018 as a growing number of host communities settle around the camps in search of access to clean water, healthcare and education. In 2018, UNHCR’s support to the host community will remain one of key priorities; the peaceful coexistence and Peace committee’s initiatives will be supported across all refugee locations.
In 2018, UNHCR will continue to place an importance on strengthening partnerships and ensuring coordination with relevant stakeholders, including Government, NGO and UN partners. UNHCR and its partners will continue to maintain synergy and necessary coordination with the clusters and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), in accordance with the Refugee Coordination Model.
Key priorities
In 2018, UNHCR will focus on:
- Supporting and strengthening resilience of displaced people while continuing to meet the standards of humanitarian assistance and to provide leadership in protection.
- Increasing investments in livelihoods, youth programming and education to support protection, self-reliance and pathways to solutions for refugees, and social cohesion with host communities.
- Providing support to new refugee arrivals.
- Continuing to implement core protection activities to ensure identification and documentation of refugees, prevent and respond to cases of SGBV and child protection.
- Identifying and responding to the needs of most vulnerable IDPs; working towards peaceful coexistence with host communities and transparent dialogue on sharing the resources; searching for solutions and maintaining protection leadership through engagement in coordination; providing quality information and analysis of population movements; working with other humanitarian actors under protection cluster to find the sustainable solution for IDPs.
- Piloting the use of cash-based interventions in-lieu of in-kind support.