10 things to consider before rolling out two-way SMS

10 things to consider before rolling out two-way SMS

While we describe how to get started with two-way SMS in our recent blog, there are a number of things to consider before embarking on that journey. We’ve put together our top ten list of considerations below. Let us know whether these resonate with you or whether...
Understanding Information Ecosystems: Making it happen

Understanding Information Ecosystems: Making it happen

“…an investment in researching access, sourcing, flow and trust around information movement in any given community is vital to the design of truly effective communications strategies, ensuring that people will believe, trust and act upon the information they...
10 steps to setting up an effective feedback mechanism

10 steps to setting up an effective feedback mechanism

A phrase I’ve often heard from colleagues when discussing ‘accountability’ is: ‘I know what I need to do, but not how to do it’. Moving beyond theory to the practical – to actually closing the feedback loop – is notoriously challenging. Especially in an emergency. How...
Communicating with Communities, or Individuals?

Communicating with Communities, or Individuals?

The need for differentiation and the role of mass customization. No community is homogenous – meaning there is no ‘silver bullet’ or one ‘best channel’ to communicate via. Everybody accesses and consumes information in a different way – we are all unique....