11 ways UNHCR staff are innovating

11 ways UNHCR staff are innovating

Have you heard the phrase, “innovation is just another buzzword in the humanitarian sector”? It’s something that I hear over and over again and a beloved phrase I’m not too fond of personally. It connotes the idea that innovation is just a trendy theme in the...
7 art initiatives that are transforming the lives of refugees

7 art initiatives that are transforming the lives of refugees

If you’re visiting Paris over the coming months – the walls along the Seine may look a little different. A photo exhibition along the banks now includes a 370-meter long panorama featuring portraits of refugees and photographs taken by Syrian refugee...
Five common themes that emerged from #HIP2015

Five common themes that emerged from #HIP2015

Conferences. Some say that if you’ve been to one, you’ve been to them all. You know the scene: name-tagged professionals moving from panel to panel, ruminating on really important issues during coffee breaks, and of course, performing the beloved business card swap...
7 videos guaranteed to change the way you see refugees

7 videos guaranteed to change the way you see refugees

Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard the phrase “Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.”  It was one of the most common expressions my parents used when I was growing up as they tried to get me to look at a situation from a different point of...
10 quotes that will spark your design thinking

10 quotes that will spark your design thinking

I recently read an article titled “Design is more than perfume, aesthetics and trends” written by Richard van der Laken, founder of What Design Can Do. I was surprised not only by his honesty on the potential impact of design but the real need for new ideas from...
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