Integrating storytelling as a tool for healing and community building

Integrating storytelling as a tool for healing and community building

It started like this: a small, white video camera; two Syrian youth facilitators; and twenty-five Syrian youth in the Zaatari refugee camp in 2014. Now, three years later, #MeWeSyria is a team of more than 50 trained Syrian changemakers who have successfully localized...
Refugees are not the crisis. It’s the narratives we tell about them.

Refugees are not the crisis. It’s the narratives we tell about them.

Don’t start with a boat. Don’t show it lurching on the waves, a crush of terrified people packed elbow to ribcage, a baby crying. Don’t focus on their past: the homes they left, the loved ones lost, the bribes paid, the calculations made and agonized over. Instead,...
A poem about refugees you need to read

A poem about refugees you need to read

Following the November 2015 Paris attacks, a wave of anti-refugee sentiment made its way overseas to the United States as multiple governors and Congressmen began expressing an unwillingness to accept Syrian refugees. To Jason Fotso―eighteen years old at the time―this...
Narrative = Control = Power

Narrative = Control = Power

In life, there are things we cannot control: where we are born; the color of our skin; our parents; or the rapid pace of change in our personal lives and in our societies. On the other hand, stories,  by nature, are  free. In the face of uncontrollable variables,...
10 refugees who will change your perception of entrepreneurship

10 refugees who will change your perception of entrepreneurship

Despite significant hardships, refugees are pushing the limits of what most people recognize as the general entrepreneur spirit. There is a resilience among refugee communities that enables them to thrive, not just to survive, and to be creative members of society....
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