Niger: Boko Haram’s neglected crisis

A refugee camp in Diffa:Photo: Katy Thiam/OCHA Niger

NIAMEY/DAKAR, 29 juin 2015 (IRIN) - Boko Haram came to 25-year-old Fanna Liman Mustafa’s home in Baga in northeastern Nigeria in November and burnt it to the ground. She took her four children and fled across the border into Niger. As fate has it, she is one of the lucky ones. The Islamist militants returned in January and massacred hundreds if not thousands of civilians.
“We lost everything in the fire caused by the attacks,” 25-year-old Mustafa told IRIN, explaining how they’d arrived in Niger’s southeastern Diffa region with the clothes they were wearing and little else. Nigerian families first began seeking refuge in Niger in 2013, but Boko Haram-related violence in the region has spiked in recent months, causing the number of refugees to balloon and leading to a fast-growing humanitarian crisis that garners little international media attention.
An estimated 150,000 displaced people in Diffa are in urgent need of greater humanitarian assistance, including food, aid agencies say To read the full article click here

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