Meningitis Epidemics in Niger : UNHCR Supports the Response

Ebola Treatment Center Lazaret site, Niamey. ©UNHCR / Harouna Abdoulaye

A meningitis epidemics has hit several towns and villages in Niger. One of the worst affected areas is the country’s capital Niamey ( link to OCHA Infograph ). There are more than 390 cases and 47 recorded deaths in Niamey(304 cases and 27 deaths for the rest of the country). The government appealed to its partners for assistance. UNHCR responded by providing large tents thereby strengthening the capacity of the Lazaret treatment centre in Niamey. Earlier, UNHCR had also provided tents to the contingency site set-up in the same place in case there would be an Ebola outbreak in the country. Last Saturday the Prime Minister, Mr. Brigi Rafini, visited the Lazaret centre and instructed to use all facilities to take care of the meningitis patients. Meanwhile, Unicef has shipped vaccines to the country and a large vaccination campaign, targeting especially children from 2 to 15 years of age, is underway. UNHCR has set funds aside to purchase a stock of vaccines in case the epidemics should reach the areas of the country where refugees from Mali and Nigeria live. Other partners in the response are Luxembourg Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

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