Kalpesh Lathigra, Photographer

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Photo by K. Lathigra/2014.

Almost 3 million people have fled Syria trying to escape the civil war that  has engulfed the country, over 100,000 of them live in Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan. The camp has evolved over time from families living in tents to some now having prefabricated units, an internal economy has sprung up and the main shopping street the Champs D’Lysee is a hive of activity. As you move away from the street you enter another world almost a suburbia if one can even call it that, small communities each distinct yet the same. Wondering through these areas on a hot afternoon in May 2013, I saw a Father holding his baby in one hand and leading his daughter by the other, his young son alongside him, his wife watching them. The most ordinary act of a parent walking through a street, the simple care, love and attention. I felt it spoke of resilience and strength of this man despite being in circumstances beyond his control.


Kalpesh Lathigra is an photographer who regularly photographs for international magazines including The Financial Times  Magazine, The Independent Saturday/ Sunday Magazines, The Telegraph Magazine. He has been a recipient of numerous awards including Lightwork Residency, W Eugene Smith Fellowship, World Press Photo Award.



1 family torn apart by war is too many

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