Syrian Arab Republic


Operation: Opération: Syrian Arab Republic



Latest update of camps and office locations 21  Nov  2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.

Key Figures

2018 planning figures
2,725,000 IDPs, host community members and returnees will benefit from non-food item distribution
300,000 IDPs, spontaneous returnees, and other vulnerable people in affected populations will receive legal assistance
240,000 IDPs and returnees will benefit from emergency and long-term shelter interventions 
200,000 vulnerable IDP students will benefit from remedial and catch-up classes 
90,000 IDPs and host community members will benefit from livelihood activities
2016 year-end results
4,080,000 IDPs received core relief items, of whom, 83 per cent were reached from inside Syria and 17 per cent through cross-border operations from Turkey and Jordan
2,012,000 IDPs were reached with protection and community services
92,000 IDPs were assisted with shelter interventions
47,000 IDPs and individuals from the host community benefitted from vocational and life-skills trainings, of whom over 979 IDPs benefited from small start-up business grants
21,000 refugees and 696,000 IDPs received primary and emergency healthcare
11,000 refugee households received regular cash assistance to cover for their basic needs

People of Concern Personnes relevant de la compétence du HCR

Increase in
2016 7,131,910
2015 6,753,569
2014 7,947,655


[["Refugees",19809],["Asylum-seekers",12494],["IDPs",6325978],["Returned IDPs",600000],["Returned refugees",1],["Stateless",160000],["Others of concern",13628]]
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Syrian Arab Republic

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2016 {"categories":[2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018],"budget":[317.92470594,331.41534753,366.77411747,315.69039415,497.60006813,353.000000092],"expenditure":[231.88147006,205.04924968,173.76697349,137.49994288,null,null]} {"categories":[2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018],"p1":[84.23797468,69.84079225,56.81599041,52.75013228,47.39999955,47.257065802],"p2":[0.70832734,0.57833829,0.17973042,0.1946423,0.21116958,0.19864072],"p3":[null,null,null,null,146,null],"p4":[232.97840392,260.99621699,309.77839664,262.74561957,303.988899,305.54429357]} {"categories":[2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018],"p1":[40.80187504,40.86751359,23.27234083,23.57270191,null,null],"p2":[0.29587007,0.44117528,0.12660126,0.10932031,null,null],"p3":[null,null,null,null,null,null],"p4":[190.78372495,163.74056081,150.3680314,113.81792066,null,null]}
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  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018

Year-end Overview

Working environment

The crisis in Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) has had devastating consequences for civilians with nearly half of Syria's pre-crisis population being internally or externally displaced. Currently 13.5 million people in Syria are in need of humanitarian assistance, including nearly three million people living in hard-to-reach and besieged locations. The ceasefire in December 2016 and the Astana talks leading to the establishment of four “de-escalation areas” have yielded a noticeable decrease in armed hostilities, bringing about a renewed hope for a political solution to the crisis and increased access to people in need.
An estimated 600,000 IDPs and more than 30,000 refugees spontaneously returned home in the first half of 2017. However, conditions for return in safety and dignity are not yet in place and UNHCR does not promote, nor facilitate, the return of refugees to Syria at this time. UNHCR is enhancing protection and assistance in Syria for those IDPs and refugees who may voluntarily and spontaneously return, as well as continuing its programmes for IDPs and those newly displaced.
The 2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) are being developed and will set the framework within which the humanitarian community will respond to the large-scale humanitarian needs. Despite the devastating crisis and although the country is not party to the main international refugee instruments, the Government continues to apply favorable policies towards refugees and asylum-seekers.
In the context of the Whole of Syria approach, UNHCR continues to play a key coordination role leading of the Protection/Community Services, Shelter and Non-Food items sectors.

Key priorities

In 2018, UNHCR will focus on:
  • Providing life-saving assistance to IDPs across the country;
  • Engaging the Government in raising protection concerns and finding appropriate solutions and support national counterparts in addressing issues pertaining to civil registration/documentation, as well as Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) rights;
  • Enhancing protection through a wide range of integrated community-based protection programmes, with a particular attention to sexual and gender-based violence, child protection, and services for people with specific needs;
  • Registration of new asylum-seekers;
  • Identifying durable solutions, including resettlement and voluntary repatriation for refugees;
  • Providing services in areas of return for the expected self-organized refugee and IDP returnees, while advocating that any returns be safe, dignified, informed, voluntary and sustainable return.